3. Celestial (Knights of Unistria)

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"You're really from up there?" Tithonus's voice made Dawn jump from her seat atop a hill. He sat down next to her, the darkness of night concealing her pink cheeks. Thankfully his gaze went to the sky, so he couldn't notice her expression. She was thankful it was him and not someone else, she didn't want to be around the other Knights at the moment.

"Mmhmm! I was born... there! See that dot? I'm from that system!" Dawn directed.

"Where?" he asked, leaning in and trying to pick out which star in the night sky she meant.

"There-!" Dawn blushed, feeling how close Tithonus was, and she forced her pointing hand still so he could follow the line of her arm.

"It's just a little dot from here... does everyone from your home have hair like yours?" with his eyes now on her she froze and looked away, afraid she would say something foolish if she dared make eye contact.

"You have hair like mine," she murmured, unable to stop her hand that went to her hair.

"I, uh, mean the color. You Knights have really colorful hair, way more colorful than humans have," he trailed off, studying her hair with a thoughtful expression.

"Oh! Well, yeah! It comes in all shades!" Dawn fought a giggle. It didn't make sense to giggle now, she was all twisted and out of sorts around him! How could a human have this sort of impact on a Knight? Her thoughts screeched to a halt when he lightly touched her hair, stroking it for a moment before moving it off her face and behind her ear. She swallowed and dared a glance at him, but he was already focused on the night sky once more.

"They're just dots... I still can't believe there are whole planets and people out there! And we have no idea!" he exclaimed in soft wonder, making her heart jump and flutter. He had such affection and adoration for space, it was endearing.

"The universe is a big place! Like there, that's where we first fought the gorgons! And that star next to it..." Dawn began, telling him of the vast expanse beyond Earth and the countless marvels out there. She desperately wanted to show him all of it, she wanted to satisfy his curiosity for the celestial. But they could never bring a human with them, and Dawn couldn't stay behind... could she?

[Author's fun fact: Tithonus is one of Eos' (Goddess of Dawn) human lovers in Greek mythology. It seemed appropriate given The Knights of Unistria give me Sailor Moon vibes, which has a similar love story between Selene (goddess of the moon) and Endymion, a human, also from Greek mythology.]

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