30. Wish (Ydris)

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Ydris didn't understand why this was when the 'year' ended. There wasn't anything special about this particular time. It wasn't the shortest or longest day of the year, or a day when day and night were an equal length, which could be seen as a point of transition. Instead it was a random day not long after the shortest day of the year.

Whatever the reason humans made it a magically charged day, at least to him. So many people had hopes, dreams, and wishes, moreso now than any other time. Looking toward the future and what they wanted it to be, all their thoughts put toward the potential of what was ahead. It was exhilarating.

He stood outside atop a hill, soaking it in. Many people had similar wishes, usually changing themselves or their circumstances in some way in an attempt to be happy. Bigger, smaller, more muscles, different hair, better eating habits, learn a new skill, or develop a different habit, it was all about being better or happier or both. Always chasing that ideal happiness, as though it was a lifestyle and not a fleeting emotion. Some wishes were more serious, such as wishing for recovery and healing, or for situations to improve. He could pick out the druids and soul riders' hopes for a safe world, how noble. Of course, they each had their own private wish that wasn't as noble: knowledge, healing, revenge, and so on.

There was another more dear to him who was complicated and twisted, she didn't know what she wanted. There was a desire for safety, for others and herself, and also a wish for understanding mixed in with a longing for power. The jumble of wants felt so close, he could almost touch it.

"Having fun?" her voice made him jump, embarrassed that he hadn't noticed her. No wonder her desires felt so close.

"I am feeling," he told her, looking at her next to him before turning his face up to the sky, arms out as though he was absorbing the sunlight.

"Uh huh, feeling anything in particular?" Rebecca asked, curious.

"I am feeling the wishes of humanity," he explained with a grin.

"I see. Gathering ideas for your circus?"

"Indeed. A house of mirrors, so a person might see themselves as they wish to be seen!"

"Suppose that's better than some diet or muscle shake scheme," she nodded thoughtfully before turning to Ydris, "so what are your wishes? Or can I guess them all?"

"Ah ha," he rubbed the back of his neck, sheepish now, "you already know my greatest wishes."

"Thought so," she said as she sat down on the cold ground, "we'll figure out how to save everyone." The chaos inside her quieted down, a simple wish of watching clouds coming to the surface of her mind.

"I hope so," he muttered, taking his hat off and sitting next to her, content to watch the clouds with her.

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