1)Aradia Medigo

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A lot of kinks, female x female, lemons

Aradia Medigo
Oh how much you loved taht female, her smile, her eyes, her laugh, it all made your heart melt in many ways than one you couldn't say no to her

But besides that you were headed to her hive since she said she wanted to test something out you and her were all ready in a nice sweet matespriteship
Nothing could break you guys apart you lived her she loved you that's all

yiu were headed to her hive after she texted you saying

"So I wanted to test something out! But I needed my partner so of course I had to get you since your my one and only!!"

She was so adorable

Once you got to her hive you knocked on the door waiting for her to awnser which she did you got greeted with aradia with her hair in a pont tail in only her under garments your face went a dark red as she yanked you inside the hive candles were lit and the place was dimmed she giggled "So whaddya think?"she asked you looked around the scent of vanilla and lavender mixed from the candles

The list up area from the tiny fires it all was so nice and welcoming and it made you smile like a dork "w..What's this all for"you asked and you ripped your eyes away from everything to look at the rust blooded female she was stareing at you with a cute smile "Well" she quickly ran to her room and came back holding something behind her back"Ok so you told me taht I should try and learn more about human partners rituals" she said

You nodded "Yeah I did as a tiny joke what did you do?" You asked crossing your arms

"I'll tell you" she paused before smirking "Once your in York under clothes"she said with a innocent look

Your face went dark red again you let your arms fall before using them to take your clothes off first your shirt

You lifted the bottom over your head then looked at aradia she stared before popping into reality "Oh! You can put it in taht basket over there"she said smiling you looked over and placed it into the basket then took your pants off next along with your shoes

You looked at her again as she held out her hand to you for you to take which you happily did she pulled you close and kissed your cheek making you feel butterfly's and smile

"Ok sooo do you want it to be a surprise or tell you what I'm gonna do?"she asked you thought then shrugged "surprise me"she nodded "Hold out your hands and close your eyes

You shut your eyes and wait for something to happen you feel something get tied around your wrist not right to hurt but tight to keep them together wait was this

You open your eyes
"A rope?"you questioned

She nodded "well I know you talked about this sometimes I think I cant remember"she mumbled but smiled brightly again"But I still wanna try this out are you ok with this?"

You think
For a second then nod

She nods back then pulls you close and kisses you deeply to soft cherry flavored lips in contact with your peach lips the kiss felt so special
You realized you have never seen each other fully naked so this was gonna be new to both of you

The kiss though made butterfly's sworn made your heart race made you go mad she licked your bottom lip asking if she could enter and by saying yes you open your mouth and you didn't fight you let her attack your mouth

You both pull away for air and she started to kiss your neck then nibble before biteing it making you squeak she licked the wound with a smirk and backed away she hummed

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