Part 25: Sick

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Her friends frowned when they saw Y/n wearing her mask again.

Dahyun:"Y/n ah, why are you wearing your mask again. It's not like we haven't seen you. We just did"

Y/n:"Actually I feel uncomfortable with everyone's attention "

Sana:"Everyone's attention? Bu-"

Tzuyu:"Maybe you guys didn't notice, but when she took of her mask everyone here looked at her"

Nayeon:"It's not their fault. Our Y/nie is so beautiful after all "

Dahyun:"Right. Okay now let's go. No need to force her more"

Tzuyu:"Yeah let's go. And Y/n please forgive me for forcing you"

Y/n:"It's okay"

Everyone smiled and started to walk.

One month later-

Y/n woke up from her sleep with a extreme headache and high fever. She discovered her fever last night. Y/n thought, 'The fever has got higher I guess'. She got up from her bed and got ready with so much struggle.

She went downstairs looking all pale.
Her Grandma noticed it and asked her,"Sweety, are you okay?"

Y/n nodded and smiled weakly at her.

Grandma:"No no let me check a little "

Y/n:"Grandma I'm okay. I just.. D-din't get e-enough sleep l-last night"

Grandma:"Okay. Come, eat breakfast"

Y/n wasn't feeling like eating anything. So she made an excuse.

Y/n:"Grandma I don't h-have time. I h-have to go early today. I w-will eat something on t-the way"


Y/n:"Bye grandma. Love you"

She went out of their house and started walking. She was feeling extremely weak and her body was burning due to fever. At last she reached her school. She took out her mask and wore it and entered school.

She was walking in the hallway slowly cuz now she is feeling very unwell and weak. Then again Taehyung pinned her on the locker slowly. But he frowned when he felt her body temperature. Y/n looked up and saw Taehyung frowning. She put her hand on his cheek and said,"G-good morning Taehyung "

But Taehyung ignored it and asked,"Are you okay?"

Y/n smiled a little and said,"I'm fine Taeh-", but she couldn't finish her sentence as she passed out. She was about to fall but Taehyung immediately hold her and starred panicking.

Taehyung:"Y/n!! What happened?! Baby open your eyes!! What happened to you?!"

Taehyung started Patting her cheeks alittle in order to wake her up.

Taehyung:"Sweetheart what's wrong? Open your eyes",he started shaking in fear that something terrible happened to her.

Other BTS members notice it and,

Namjoon:"Tae I think you should take to the medical room"

Taehyung:"Y-yeah right Hyung. R-right.",he sayed in verge of crying and picked her up and carried her to the medical room in bridal style.

He placed her on the bed and called the nurse. The nurse came and panicked alittle seeing Taehyung. Taehyung looked at her told in rage, "Why the hell did you take too much time to come here huh!!?"

Nurse:"S-sorry sir"

Taehyung:"Now check on her and tell me what happened to her"

Nurse:"Okay. I-I'm c-checking."

HIDDEN BEAUTY // Taehyung FF 21+Where stories live. Discover now