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weeks later, you're on your way to the mall. tendou invited you and mika to hang out since it's weekends.

"shit this is getting out of hand!" you panicked, "what's wrong y/n-san?"

"im catching feelings mika!" you slapped yourself.

"oy! dont slap yourself! its normal to like someone!"

"mika first of all, i met him online and second of all he has a crush OK A CRUSH. he even asked me if i could draw his crush last week!"

"oh shit that hurt. anyway move on i guess. if you continue that, you'll get hurt." she said seriously, "cut ties with him."

"WHAT?! no. i will not cut ties with him just because of that." you crossed your arms, mika sighed.

"y/n-san, if that's what you want, ill let you but please if it hurts, let go please." she held your hand, you just looked at her.


you saw a familiar red haired waving at you in a cafe, you waved back. you saw semi sipping his drink.

you two walked closer, "hi." semi looked up to you. the two greeted you both and you did the same.

"so what are we going to do first?" mika asked, excited. "let's go to the cinema first, is that fine?" tendou looked at you.

you nodded and all paid for your tickets, half of you decided to pick horror movies since they want to watch that. you were kinda scared but ignored the feeling.

its fine its fine. what's scary is semei rejecting me lmao im a strong independent woman

"yosh!" you told yourself, the three looked at you in confusion, you brought your hands up in embarrassment. semi laughed at you, "you're funny y/n."

you bought popcorns and drinks.

you all went inside the room. you sat beside semi and mika

tendou | semi | you | mika

the movie started and you knew that something scary would show on the screen so you quickly looked away. semi looked at you and laughed, "scared?"

"i'm not—!" and the loud sound startled you. you jolted and spilled some popcorns on semi. the three looked at you. semi laughed silently. he thought you were cute.

"omg im so sorry i didn't mean to—"

"it's okay y/n just relax." semi patted your head and smiled, you sighed.

ill relax if semei were here

little did you know that semei was just beside you. you two don't know that you're chat mates.


the movie ended and you were the happiest one to come out of the cinema, "finally!" you stretched your hands.

"scaredy cat y/n." tendou laughed, "w-well who wouldn't be?!" you pouted at him. semi just looked at you. "what?"

"o-oh nothing." he quickly looked away. "oh semisemi? what's wrong~?" tendou poked him, "shut up tendou and dont call me semisemi."

tendou ignored him. "alright let's move to our next destination!" tendou quickly put his shoulders on your shoulders, you looked at him. he gave you a shhhhh gesture.

semi looked at you with a frown. "oh no i put my shoulders on y/n. wanna exchange semisemi~?"

"tendou shut up." semi marched ahead of you, "is he okay?" you asked tendou. he removed his arms around you. "he'll be fine."

mika poked you too.

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