Chapter 1 ~

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   It all started when my dad got an amazing job offer in New York City, oh how i'd love to go live there and visit. But not during my last year of high school, which is suppose to be so memorable with your friends... an of course we had to move to a place tha i knew nobody there..But my dad of course he couldn't refuse this kind of offer, it was an amazing job and it paid very well. I wansn't happy to be leaving my best friend Devon, she was a sister i never had, and to top it off my amazing boyfriend for the past 7 months named Kevin. I begged my parents if i could stay and live with Devon for my senior year because he mom offered, but my parents refused of  course, there such over protced parents..*sigh*. There was still two weeks left of summer and one more week until my family and i left to NYC. I live in California, the beach is my life here in Cali! I planned my last week with devon and kevin! We had so much fun at the beach, hanign ouy at night, sleeping over.. but the day came so fast, Friday, 25th of August. I couldn't sleep the night before at all, I key on thinking of how my senior year in NYC would be, would i make friends? Would i be made fun of..? (I am ery insecure about myself) All so many questions running through my head I couldn't think straight. Finally I fell asleep. But I had to be up ina bout 4 hours which didn't make the situation any  better.

   The next morning, I got up, took a warm shower and didn’t do anything with my hair nor put on any makeup because I was going to be on a plane for about 6 hours.. I put on my one direction sweatshirt and leggings and uggs, I was so comfy. Devon and Kevin came to my house at 8 am to come to the airport with me and say our goodbyes.. My parents took our car and drove off to the airport Devon, Kevin and I took Kevins car. I put on the radio on to my favorite station; 92.3.

“I’m going to miss you so much Jess, I can’t even imagine my senior year without you, you’re like my other half” Devon said sadly.

“Me either, I’m going to visit you and Kevin every break I have” I said with a simile on my face

Devon and Kevin both smiled.

   My favirote song came on the radio and it was “Little Things” by One Direction. “your hand fits in mine like its made just for me but bear this in mind it was meant to be and I’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me” I sang the rest as well, Kevin wasn't to happy he hated one direction, he thought they were all full of themselves and only cared about the money and no one else. I knew that wasn’t true they very well did care about every fan.. But I didn’t argue with him about it because it would just get me mad.

   We got to the airport and meet up with my parents. We went to go a get our luggage checked, thankfully they weren’t overly weighed so we didn’t have to pay extra. Our plane didn’t leave in about in an hour and a half, so Kevin, Devon and I went and go grab a drink from Starbucks in the airport.

“Java Chip please” I said to the cashier

“Make that two” Devon said laughing

“Um I think she meant three” Kevin said and we all laughed and everyone started staring at us like we had 5 heads.

Kevin paid for us which was nice of him. I gave him a kiss.

“ What was that for” Kevin said surprised

“ What I can’t kiss my boyfriend for buying me and my friend a drink” I said laughing

He just smiled and we headed off to my parents. Me and Kevin holding hands.. Thinking this will be the last time will hold hands until we see each other after months.. My eyes were getting watery.. Kevin noticed something was wrong, I could tell because of how he looked at me sadly..

“Hey Dev, meet you in a sec with Jess parents I wanna talk with her ight? K cool thanks” he said to Devon while she just walked and looked at us and waved, as the sign for ok.

“ What’s wrong Jess” he said sadly

“ Um-mm it’s nothing” wiping my tears from my cheeks

“I’ve known you for 7 months now I think I know when something isn’t right, tell me Jess..” he said 

Just saying 7 months made it even worse.. I came out.

“Kev, what are we going to do? How can we be in a relationship when I’m thousands of miles away from you? I just don’t know if I can..” I said before he shhhed me,

“Jess you know no matter what will be together, we’ve been through the hardest times ever, remember all those times we fought and we came back.. That I think was worse than you just moving a couple of thousands of miles away, trust me bab were going to be together for a long time.. I‘ll call you everynight” he said smiling, rubbed the tears off my cheeks and kissed me.

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