Natsu Help Me

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Hey minna, thanks for getting me to one thousands reads. Word of edvice you should SOOO go read 'Spirited Away 2 Chihiro's return' it's a GREAT book and I think you all would love it. It's by Jaxiieee. Hope you give this great book a chance! Thanks again ^-^

The night was dark and the twinkle of the stars light shinned through my half opened curtains illuminating me laying on a bed with only a bra and panties on. "Natsu" I mumbled still waiting for him to return but deep down I knew he never would. "What should I do"? I rolled onto my legs grabbing the clothes I set on the bed before natsu came in and... I reached a hand up to my bra running my fingers down. "Natsu I..." I shook my head getting my jeans on.' I can't think of that at a time like this natsu could be killing someone' That quickened my hands as I slide on my shirt and jangled my keys onto the belt of my jeans. sliding lio's key into the pocket of my jeans just so I could get to him quicker.

I ran out the door the moon shinning on every step I took. I had to hurry I didn't want Natsu to go crazy and do something stupid. My breath came out in puffs of air, the cold air carried my long down hair in the wind as I stomped on every cobblestone. "Natsu" I puffed. I ran towards the guild although the guild got quiet it was never really closed they left the door open, that's how we got hurt by gajieel back when he was evil. I turned a corner and I saw the dim lights of the guild in the distance. "Natsu don't do anything stupid" I kept running but then suddenly tripped on something sending me flat on my face. "Owwww"

"Miss are you alright" A man in cloak reached out his hand, I couldn't see his face cause of the darkness. "You came out of no where hope you aren't hurt" I slowly took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. I felt a sharp pain on my leg, I looked down to see my jeans had a ripe and light blood could be seen.

"Aww" I really liked these jeans.

"Oh miss your hurt" The man in the cloak put his hand on my shoulder making me flinch. "Here I'll make it all better" I saw a grin spread across his face. I felt numb all over falling into the mans arms. "There now you feel nothing".

"Damn you" I could still speak I just couldn't move. My keys were us less if I couldn't get to them. "NATSU" I screamed at the top of my lungs hearing it echo off the walls of dark ally. "NAT-" I tried to yell again but the man covered my mouth.

"Now Now miss" He smiled "I can't you leaving my side until we have some fun" I flinched a little hoping he didn't mean the fun I didn't dare to imagine.

"NASmmmmUUU" I yelled through his hand trying and trying to be saved. 

"Damn it Shut UP"! He yelled slapping me.

"Mph" Although I couldn't feel it my pride was still slapped as hard. 'damn you' I thought trying to move.

"Now lets get going I know a great ally way where no one comes" He bent down to my ear and whispering into it, I closed my eyes smelling his awful breath. "No one" I widened my eyes in horror as a tear escaped.

He flung me over his shoulder as if I was cargo. This was my last chance I breathed in deeply being slowly led into a different ally. "NATSU HELP MEEEE-" I stopped when I was dropped to the ground in a lound thud, still feeling nothing I darted my eyes everywhere.

"Kuso girl" The man cursed. "I really didn't want to do this but..." The man grabbed my hair pulling me to meet his dark face I still couldn't see being in a dark ally. He suddenly stuck something in my mouth that tasted like cloth and went behind me tieing it in the back of my head. "There now stay quiet" He let go of my hair hoisting me bag on his shoulders.


It was good solid five minutes later till the man threw me off his shoulders and into a corner. I was getting a little feeling back I could move a little of my fingers, I also felt light pain when I hit the wall so that also was a good sign. "Now girl lets get our funk on" I heard him unravel his cloak but in this ally it was pitch black. 'damn' I thought squinting to hopefully see something of his face but there was nothing but the footsteps that slowly got closer to me.

"Mmmh" I tried to move but I could only felt my fingers twitch. 

"Now now girly this won't hurt but you'll feel it" I suddenly felt something touch my breast groping them in a way that made me close my eyes in disgust. I started to get my feeling back but it was only where we touched me.

"Mmmhm" I muffled again feeling him reach his hand up my shirt. Oh how I wish Natsu was here. His hands were ruff and unpleasant as he got his fill of my left breast then used both his hands to grop both my breast I shook in disgust.'Please stop' I rethought with every touch.

"Now for down there" I heard him giggle as I shot my head up to the sky when I felt him pulling my jeans down. 'Damn body move' I thought my anger rising. 'Please' I begged tears form in my eyes. "Hmmm lookie here" I felt his finger touch my pants and I shook in a quick motion. "Damn wait do you still have your cherry"? I bit my lip as it began to quiver. The man began to laugh.

"WOW I was just going to have some fun but now..." he began to pull down my panties I tried to move but my legs couldn't

"Noomm" I muffled as my panties came off leaving me with my bottom of me naked to a man I've never seen before. 

"Shhh sweetie I'll give you some pleasure before the pain" I felt his finger go from my stomach down to my vag he pushed his finger in slightly touching a really sensitive spot sending pleasure through out my body. "See feels good this is  called a clit" I shot my head up when he rubbed it harder and faster. I felt as if my insides were stirring.

"Stommhhmmm" I dragged through the cloth that hung in my mouth. I just heard him as I felt him slide a hand up through my bra and rubbed my nipple sending even more pleasure bouncing off me. "Mmmhhmmm" I tried to move but I only quivered in place.

"Now" I heard him smile in a greedy voice. "How about my finger gets some insides" I shut my eyes tightly shut as I felt something cold enter my insides in a pit of a pinch. "There my fingers so warm" I felt the finger move in circles

"Mmmm" I breathed I didn't know if it was pleasure or pain I felt.

"Okay lets start" the finger moved inside and out as the pleasure began to take over. My mind began to blank as pleasure erupted and rumbled my insides. 'natsu' I thought breathing hot puffs of air into the night. Suddenly something stirred in me it felt my insides were warming up and something was changing inside me I felt this and quivered.

"Oh reaching your max huh"? I felt his finger quicken and my insides gave a shutter. 'no' I thought 'I only want one person to do this' I used my tongue to move the cloth. "Natsuu heeelp mmme" I mumbled slightly moving my legs to close. 'Natsu' I thought 'Natsu NATSU' my legs slammed shut and my insides began to dile down.

"Wow whats up with this you breaking my magic is impressive but" he leaned in and wispered. "You'll have to do better than that" He grabbed my legs pulling them apart "Lets just get this over with" I heard a zipper unzip and my eyes widened I knew what he was doing and I tried to close my legs. "Oh no you don't not till I get that cherry you have". 

"Mmph" I mumbled through the cloth I didn't want this with anyone but natsu.

"LUCYYYY"! I heard scream. I turned my head slowly seeing something crash into the cobblestone in the ally a fire burst in his hand I knew that strong voice that echoed in my heart and the fire that warmed my soul. Natsu. He was here.

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