The message

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Jaysree's phone beeped. It's was a message from some unknown number.

"Hi Jaya kutti ☺️"

She didn't know who that was. But curiosity took the best out of her.

" Hi do I know u?!"

"Not really but you might have heard about me "

"Oh like who??"

"Remember the name Renjit??"

"Renjit...wait. I've heard it from achamma(grandma in Malayalam), aren't you supposed to be my dad's youngest brother??, But I seriously don't remember you...😅😅"

" It's ok kanna, I'll send you a pic"

" It's ok kanna, I'll send you a pic"

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"Ohhh yes yes ......mama omggg now I know you!!!!! are you my mama ??and where are you , how did you get my number, and most importantly, why did you leave all of us !!!!!"

Jayu was dumbfounded by this new relation of hers . She has heard a lot about him from her grandma. He had been the youngest of the 9 kids achamma had , being Raghuram as the eldest
He sent one more pic

 He had been the youngest of the 9 kids achamma had , being Raghuram as the eldestHe sent one more pic

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"This is me with Janaki 🥰. I'll now answe r all of your questions one after one "

"Yes yes yesssss " Jayu squealed

"Firstly, I got your number from Instagram. I think no one in your family had even heard of such thing"

" I know right, they are such anti- social media fanatics , but I maintain one secretly 😂"

" It's alright I know their mentality xdxd"

" Mama , what's ur insta id?"

"It's renfox79 "

" Oo nice 😃"

" And about myself,I work in San Jose as a professor in human psychology"

" Hoooo.... psychology is coool ,btw I'm a computer science graduate"

" Really.... Did they make you also study engineering 😜 the qualification of the jobless in India "

" Arrey ... xdxd, nothing like that, I work with Jaanu akka"

" Jaanu??"

" Janaki!!"

" Ohh Janaki, such a sweet kid she was, now the biggest industrialist in South India. Goshh, waitt ..I have to go it's time for my class as it's morning over here... I'll text you later"

" Ok mama 😘 byee"
She couldn't believe whom she just found out. She only knew Ranjith as a person who went out of the family in his teens because of some problem with her dad. She had never seen him in person. He hadn't returned in almost 20 years

She immediately started following him on Instagram. She couldn't believe what she found in his profile.

 She couldn't believe what she found in his profile

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She felt something in her head

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She felt something in her head ....." Is he my uncle. I hope that he's single 😂"

She saved almost all of his pictures 😘

Then she found out that she was almost 15 years younger than him .

" Hoo Jayuu what even are you thinking... He's an uncle,you don't even know if you have an aunty or be it even cousins"
By those she took put his thoughts away.
Author's note
This is something that I've been waiting to show y'all . I really love actor Vijay and wanted to introduce him soo badly. Anyways the most Important Pranuska scenes coming soon. 

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