chapter 13: two years later

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-2 years later-

Harmony and melody are now 17. Melody made sure to keep their profile low so her dad won't find them. Sky loved her roommates. She loved having company. The three of them would call each others sisters as a playful joke. Harmony never visited her adopted parents because they said it was to risky. Jazz was mad. He was filled with rage. So harmonies adopted parents said to just not come. It hurt both harmony and them. Harmony had to learn everything about being a siren. At first it was hard but harmony soon got the hang of it. "So girls what should we do today?"asked sky

"Lets just rest and take it easy"said melody

Harmony was looking out the window and she was holding her tiara. She sighed. She missed sea and wave. Harmony then clutched her necklace. Harmony still hasn't found her destiny. So the siren gem was still trapped inside the locket and harmony was getting frustrated. Melody and sky noticed. "Harmony are you okay?"said melody

"Yeah in fine. In just thinking"said harmony

"You miss them. Dont you"said sky

Harmony sighed "yes. Like in glad to be back with my sister but I miss them. They were there when I had trouble. When I had nightmares, when I was afraid of the dark. I grew up with them. And they actually took their time to raise me as their own"

"Oh"said melody a bit hurt

"Melody I didn't mean it that way"said harmony

"It sounded like you did"said melody

"Girls calm down before the fire starts"said sky

"Melody your not the only important person in my life"said harmony

"So what am I!"snapped melody

"You dont need to scream. God sorry if your not all I think about"snapped harmony

Harmony and melody started fighting. "Can we just talk this over"said sky

"Shut up!"snapped melody and harmony

-with jazz-

Jazz was going insane. Everyone noticed and each day grew scared of him till they all moved out. Jazz eye twitched crazy. "Where are they? They can't hide from me. Harmony will pay"said jazz as he laugh insanely

"Well we would have her but you had to save her"

"Who is there"said jazz

A guy came in. It was the same guy that was chasing harmony and melody the other time. "Just shut"said jazz

"Ugh I can't believe you"said the guy

"Ripwave can you shut up! Look see this is the reason I wanted to keep them away. I can't control myself. I just want to kill harmony"said jazz

"You want to kill your own daughter? Wow and to think I was weird. But then again I dont completely love my son Jason"Saks Ripwave

"Look just go find them. Use melody as thing to lower harmony in. Then kill harmony"said jazz

"Got it. I can sense their magic. Do you want me to steal harmonies power?"said Ripwave

"Yeah. We will need that"said jazz

"Okay ill get celcious to do it"said Ripwave

"Oh yeah what is up with that boy?"said jazz

"I told Jason to kill his family. So now he works for us"said Ripwave

Jazz nodded and Ripwave left

-with harmony and melody-

They were still fighting. Sky just watched since she had no word in it. "That's it in leaving!"said melody

"Where! Dont tell me back to your daddy!"snapped harmony

"He was right. Your a bad influence. I wish I never meet you!"snapped melody

Harmony was taken back by this. It hurt. Melody saw the sadness in harmonies eyes. "Fine then leave! Get out of my life!"snapped harmony

Melody swam out and slammed the door. Sky looked at harmony. "Let her cool off"said sky

Harmony nodded

-with melody-

Melody was both upset and angry. "Ugh she is so ugh! I shouldn't have told her they"

Melody sighed and bumped into someone. When she looked up she saw it was that guy who chased her and harmony. Melody swam back. "S-sorry sir"said melody

He just stood there. Melody turned around and he grabbed her arm. "Sorry you can't leave" said the man

Melody punched him and swam as fast as she could. "Someone help!!"screamed melody

"I love it when they run"said the man

He swam after melody. Melody tried out swimming him but in the end he caught her and put her to sleep. He dragged her back to his ship wreck layer. He took out a piece of paper and a pen. He started writing.

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