Chapter 9• Meeting the Great Coach Ukai

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You woke up hearing the chirp's of the birds, you looked around. You were confused so you screamed. After that you heard heavy footsteps going towards your room. It was your brother keishin.

"What is it now??!" He looks worried "Ohh sorry nii-chan i was surprised to see myself in my room" i heard him sigh
"Ushiwaka and guess monster brought you home last night" he said smiling "THEY WHAT??!" I yelled "Woah you don't need to yell at me sis, it's just ushiwaka has been taking care of you well, isn't he?" He raised a brow "Ohh nii-chan if you could only see him, too caring that cause me to deeply fall in love with him" i said as closing my eyes. Then I realized what I said "Ohh you like ushiwaka then" he smirked "nii-chann..... Just please.... Don't tell him" i said begging him "Yeah but old Gramps is talking to him right now" he said pointing downstairs "Hey slow down"

I immediately ran right pass him, almost tripping to the stairs but yeah i did.

"Oww" i said rubbing my back and head the sunlight was blocked by a tall shadow. When I looked closer, i saw the olive eyed boy, staring at my soul.

"Hey y/n be careful next time i don't wanna see you bruised in front of your boyfriend" the old ukai said "Grampps!!" I yelled at him but he just laughed "Sorry for them... Let's just go already" i said dragging him outside "Hey ushiwaka take care of my granddaughter" gramps yelled "No need grampa i can take care of myself" i gave him a reassuring smile "NO YOUR NOT, YOU COULDN'T TAKE YOURSELF HOME" Keishin said from the window in your room "NII-CHAN!!! I'll take revenge when i got home" I said distancing from the house.

When we got like a mile away i asked ushijima

"Hey what did shitty ukai and Gramps told you?" I said looking trying to meet his gaze "Oh nothing important" is what he just replied "Yeah nothing important... Unless IT'S ABOUT MEE!!" i came to his front to stop his track's. He just giggles "Ahhh so it's actually about me yeah fine keep it a secret" i picked up my pace leaving him behind. But it was not enough he still keep up with me .

"Hey are you mad?" He said looking down trying to meety gaze "No not really" as i picked up my pace again, but he still keeps up with it "What's bothering you?" He asked which caused me to stop "It's the stupid homeworks, i forgot to do it last night" i smiled "Ohh you know we could do it at the dorm since it's still early" he said which makes ke look at the time "AHHHH why did you guys wake me up this early??" I said stomping my feet "it's not my fault that you woke up this early, i was planning on chatting with your grandpa the coach ukai" those words were full of details, enough to make you understand it "Yeah who doesn't want to talk to my Gramps, he's a famous coach anyways, and his grandson his handsome and attractive" i spilled my own tea "So your simpin for your brother" he gets the idea "Ahhh that's not what I meant!!!" I said as we entered the walls of shiratorizawa academy

We entered the dorms and i saw tendou half naked. Ushijima immediately looks at me if i was looking at tendou's body.

"Ohhh you could take a look y/n~~" he said with a teasing tone "Nope, i might wanna look at it but i Don't have the rights to do that" i explained still covering my eyes. Ushijima handed him a shirt in his bed and throws it to him "Get dressed tendou" ushijima said while tendou grabbed the shirt "Yeah thank you for getting dressed I don't wanna see you like hisoka now..." I said looking away "Ohhh who is this hisoka?" Tendou asked "Nevermind, just help me study I want to get finished as soon as possible" i said sitting down at ushijima's bed

We finished studying while tendou annoyed the poor ushijima. So it was a nice study time. On our way to our class, ushijima asked something.....

"So y/n are you insecure of your beauty?" He suddenly asked "W-why would you asked me that?" With a nervous tone i let out a nervous chuckle "Just pops in my head right now" he honestly answers "Hahahaha do you think I'll get insecure, pffttt no way" i said looking away "Are you sure you're telling me the truth" 'Wow your really straight to the point' i thought as he say that "What kind of question is that? Of course I'm not lying" i said while rubbing my nose.

Then he showed something that makes me froze, I'm feeling so embarrassed by the time i saw him holding my journal.

"How d-did you get t-that" i shuttered while pointing out at my journal in his hands "one of your friends gave this to tendou last night because it wasn't inside your bag" he handed the journal to me "D-did you read it?" I hugged the journal, i thighten my grip on it "I didn't read all of it, because it wasn't right to someone's journal" he defended himself "So you.... Read the last page didn't you?" I looked at him almost tearing up "Yes and I'm sorry for doing that" he said as i slowly walked away

"SHIT I'm so embarrassing!! Anyways..... I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore" i walked right pass him but he grabbed my shoulder "Wait" he said "What for? I know you'll avoid me anyways" after that he pulled me for a hug and said

"Life can be hard sometimes, but you need to focus on what your gonna do and don't get affected by your problems, you just need to let it out and have someone to listen to your problems and have them by your side" His words were enough to make you cry. It wasn't because of sadness, it was tears of joy

He pats my back for comfort "Let it out y/n it's fine" I just sobbed and cried until i ran out of breath snd ushijima just pats my back

I didn't heard footsteps walk to the dorms since i thought everyone was still asleep.... Well not everyone

"Ushijima-san? Y/n?" I heard shirabu's voice "Ohh shirabu... I didn't noticed that you were there" i said while sniffing and preventing the snot ran down to my nose  and ushijima let go of me "I'm s-sorry for the trouble i caused yesterday" he bowed "Ohh it's fine, just forget about it, it's my fault anyways" i said waving my hands in the air "But it's not right to just forget about all of that" he said looking at me "Did you regret it?" I said titlingy head, he just nodded "It's alright now regretting is best better that trying to repeat it" i gave shirabu a calm and warm smile

"My apologies, Ushijima-san" he bowed to him, they bowed at each other which made me think 'what a gentleman' i thought. I didn't know that i said it out loud, which the two boys look at me confused " forget what I said and let's just go inside" I said as walking inside the building

Shirabu went on his separate ways while me and ushijima sticks together till we reached my class.

"Thank you for comforting me by the way" i break the awkward silence "just tell me if you get sad again, I'll be here if you need me" his deep voice were so calming "C-can i get another hug please?" I made a cute face but he ignores it "i guess that's a no" he just pulled me into a hug and it was warm "Thank you" is all what i managed to say

We thought we we're only the one to see that hug, tendou is his classroom saw it, while alexa and jane decided to take a video

'Wakatoshi-kun stop hiding it from me, i know you already like her' tendou thought to himself as he enjoyed the view from above "What are you looking at tendou?" Reon asked tendou and saw the scenery "I'm glad wakatoshi is happy now" he smiled "Yeah I'm glad too" the both of them were smiling as they watch their friend finally being happy with someone

Eyoo wazuup, too early for a love story... Nahh it's just the beginning, well apparently my sister borrowed my phone last night and i didn't finish the story om time so... I might not have an update i have a deadline on my school work...

Thank you for reading 😚💕


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