Chapter Twenty Four: THAT'S Your Secret?!

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YOU ALL PROBABLY HATE ME FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO LONG. SOWWIE :X PWEASE FORGIVE MEEE<3 And to everyone who entered my cover contest, I will be putting each as the cover for a few weeks :) They were all so wonderful I didn't know which one was the best!! Anyways, enjoy this chapter!


(Kammy's POV)

That was probably one of the weirdest things I had ever heard. 

"Anyways..." I started to say, "Bailey, we need your help. All of the United States knows that Bethany and I are missing. We don't know what to do." 

I thought to myself for a moment.

"Wait, why didn't they figure out you were missing too?" I questioned.

"Heck if I know," Bailey shrugged. She turned to Louis and asked if they could come in. He nodded and we all piled into One Direction's hotel room. 

I looked around in awe. Everything looked too valuable to even touch. It all shined and glistened as if nothing had ever even been touched. The living room consisted of three huge white couches with fluffy pillows, a glass coffee table, and a giant flat screen television. There was a couple gaming systems and I thought I was going to fall in love. This was my dream living room. The walls were bare except for a few abstract paintings that you had to look at for more than a few moments. The very back wall was just a huge window. 

It was all so pretty. And this was just the living room. 

All of us scrambled onto a couch. Anthony was protectively sitting next to me with his arm around me. Liam came and sat on the other side of me. 

"Do you mind if I sit there?" Ian came up and asked Liam. He shrugged and went and sat next to Niall. I rolled my eyes. I glanced at Anthony and I could tell he was silently thanking Ian. I nudged him and he smiled innocently at me. 

"So what were you planning to do?" Bailey asked.

"I said we should fake death," Bethany said blankly. Bailey stared at her for a moment.

"That's a little dramatic isn't it?" Bailey said.

We explained to her that our parents wouldn't believe us if we told them we magically turned 18. For the next hour we talked about different possibilities.

"Well, maybe they will believe you," Niall said, "I mean we believed Bailey when she told us about it." 

Oh wow. I completely forgot that they possibly did not know what was going on. But apparently they do. I glanced at Niall before looking at Bethany. 

(Bethany's POV)

Yeah, it is a possibility they will believe you.

JERRY! When did you get here? I've missed you so much! 

Pfft. I know, calm yourself woman. I've been here the whole time. I AM your conscious. I'll always be in your head somewhere. Oh and did you know you have some weird fantasies? Never visiting that part of your brain EVER again.

Uhm.. okay? So do you think Kammy and I should try to convince our parents?

Why not?

Well okay then. I turned to Kammy and found her staring at me. 

"We should at least try to make them believe. Heck, maybe we could even get Ian and Anthony to try to convince them too," I said.


"Did anyone hear that?" Kammy asked as she jumped up and looked around. She went over to the window wall and looked outside. 

"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, "Look!"

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