Chapter Thirteen: Monster

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Welcome, Welcome to Delta Airline. Today's flight goes from Fanboy/girling to dying. Thank you. 


Russia's POV

America was on a call with who I presume was China. He seemed to be yelling at him while cussing in between. "China I swear to god, we don't want to testify and we aren't supporting you." His eye twitched as he closed his mouth. Clenching his fist, he yelled into the phone. "GO SUCK A DICK!" Then he hung up and crossed his arms. "A-America are you-" "I'm okay, no actually I'm perfectly fine." He clenched his teeth. I backed away from the American, slightly getting scared by this side of him. The American sighed and plopped himself on the couch. I sat next to him and saw him having tears in his eyes. "Ameri-" "Russ, I-I want to tell you but I can't. I-I don't want you to get involved too." Putting my hand on his shoulder he flinched at the touch. Tears continued to fall down his cheeks while I felt so distant from him. The American I held so precious to me felt like he didn't exist, like he was a figure of my imagination. The only thing that came to my mind was to comfort the small boy and so I hugged him and put my chin on his head. Around us the silence engulfed us while you could hear the small whimpers and sniffs from the American. "Are you ready to tell me?" I asked softly. He looked up at me with his glasses off. "I-I guess." He gulped and began to explain.

China's POV

I sat in my cell and heard the annoying whistles that came from my cell mate. "Could you shut the hell up." I grumbled that he seemed to have heard me. He smirked. "Aren't you that actor who was founded for murder?" I widened my eyes as my mind flashes to that night.

"C-China w-why?" The Japanese girl pleaded as if her life depended on it, on which it did. The Chinese boy gripped the knife in his hand. "All I wanted was North, and you stole him from me." Terror showed itself in the young Japanese as the streetlight glinted off the knife he was holding. "I didn't touch him I swear!" She yelled out but the boy started to laugh. His laughter bounced off the walls of the alley as the girl looked as if she'd seen a ghost. The boy knelt down and put the knife under her chin as the girl gulped. "I know you had him wrapped around your finger." The girl started to cry silently as the boy took the knife from under her chin and punched her in the face. "C-Chi-" She was cut off by the quick slice at her throat. Blood started to trickle down the rest of her throat as she started to lose consciousness. "S-South.." She whispered until closing her eyes and slightly smiling. The boy started to laugh uncontrollable as he raised the knife and thrusted it downwards, stabbing the girl in the chest over and over and over again. Finally he flooded the scene, proud of his fine work.

(How could u kill Japan. JAPAN!!!!!! Because I can, plus I want to spice up the s t o r y i hate u. Love you too.)

Tears built up in my eyes. "Oh finally feeling sympathy." The man smiled. I frowned and faced the wall, tears started to stream down my face. "I killed my kid sister dammit!" I yelled, punching the concrete wall, not even caring about the pain that was now throbbing in my right hand. "Dude, are you good?" I whipped my head as tears streamed down my face violently. "NO I'M NOT OKAY! WHAT WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU KILLED YOUR OWN SISTER?!" I screamed. He took a step back before I looked behind the bars to see America, North, South, and Russia. "I-I.. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" North yelled at me. Oh my sweet, sweet North. I did this for you, don't you like it? WHAT AM I DOING?! I gripped my head, sobbing loudly as I heard the door open. America sat next to me as the two Koreans held the Russian back. "China." I looked up at the American. "D-Did you actually kill her?" Tears built up in his eyes. I knew he cared deeply for her. I thought I would've killed her boyfriend but he was close with him too. I groaned and looked at the three who stood in the cell's doorway. America noticed me glaring at them and gave them a look which I guess they knew as to take their leave. He turned back to me and took my hand in his. "Did you kill her?" He asked again, the look of sorrow now turned into a look of hatred. I didn't respond and looked down. "Did you or did you not kill her." He said in a serious tone, gripping my hand. "I-" I went to open up my mouth but nothing came out. Sighing I closed my eyes and leaned towards him. "I did." I said slowly before feeling him let go of my hand and shuffle back. When I looked back up I saw him glare at me. "I don't want you to talk to me or even look at me ever again." Getting up he left the room, giving me one last death-glare before telling the guard to lock the cell up again. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. "Well I wish you luck on your sentence." The man grinned before two guards appeared at the cell. "Mr. China, they're ready for your trial." I slowly got up and headed towards the door. "Good luck to you too." I smiled a little before being taken out and handcuffed.

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