Chapter Sixteen: God's Menu

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Welcome back, how's life? Mine going pretty great as to dying inside because of about everything. Also to my friends they think this chapter is very conversational and is like a love letter to my "crush" Yeah no, this is my extensive amount of boredom that I have. But enough. Its Story time Children. 


Lydia's POV

I annoyingly got woken up with the sounds of my co-workers and schoolmates texting me in our business chat. Rubbing my eyes, getting rid of the sleep that had gotten there I look at the chat while laying down on my bed under my twenty five layers of blankets. 'Lydia! Lydia!' was the first text I noticed from Paityn. 'Yeah, what the hell do you want? I just woke up.' 'Sorry, but I'm gonna come back to the house late. I hope Mattie and Zack treat you okay.' I rolled my eyes. 'Yeah, yeah we'll probably go to a bar after work or something. Also I might be back 'round 10 or something, I'm gonna hang out with some friends.' 'Okay, well have fun' and he sent a little heart emoji

(someone is getting murdered~~~~ w h a t ? no- oh yes Paityn's gonna murder me or i'm gonna murder him? Maketh no sense i will murder paityn oki)

while I looked at the rest of the complaints before there was rapid knocking at my door. I groaned. "What the hell do you want." "We're gonna be late for work!" Zack yelled. I rolled my eyes. Our show didn't go on until six and our pre-recording was to be done at three. It was ten in the goddamn morning. "Fine." I grumbled swears and protests before getting changed and looked at myself in the mirror. 'Well Lydia you're gonna be your eighth grade self again.' I chuckled until I tied my combat boots and came out of my room. "Did Diva already leave for the airport?" I asked as I made myself some coffee since in my former years I worked at a Starbucks and did fairly well. Matthew nodded. "Yeah, she left a note earlier." I nodded before taking a sip of my coffee.

(WE ARE FRIENDS WITH THEM??!!!?!?!?!? AND WE LIVE WITH THEM!!!???! T-T what has the world come to)

"Aye Zack." He came down the staircase in his normal skin tight black shirt and jeans. "Yeah?" He asked. "I'm gonna be out with Rachel for a few hours in the evening so you're on your own for food unless you can wait till we come back." He scoffed. "Do you dare underestimate my abilities to cook?!" He fake gasped. I shook my head. "The last time you cooked the fire department was called." I gave him a cold glare. He backed up. "Isn't Paityn, your boyfriend

(someone is definitely getting murdered could you not no <3)

gonna be home later?" I glared at him more as he emphasized the 'boyfriend' part. "A. he's not my boyfriend and-" He cut me off. "We both saw you kiss when you two had the house to yourselves." My eyes widened as I almost spit out my coffee. I laughed. "You really thought that BS was true?!" I kept laughing. "Uh if Paityn said it, it's true." Waving my hand I managed to calm myself down. "Don't believe his shit, he speaks lies all the time." Rachel came down the stairs and coughed then sniffed. "Rachel are you okay?" I asked, sitting the mug down on the counter. She shook her head. "I might as well not go with you. I feel worse than shit." I nodded and got some water and allergy pills and gave them to her. "If you need anything call me, got it." She nodded and went back upstairs. "Mom much." I rolled my eyes as I turned to the two males. "I'm so glad that Jennie isn't here or she'd pull a can of whoop-ass on you."

(please make jennie do that)

The three of us chuckled before a silence fell between us. "So did Paityn actually say that." I hopped up on the counter but failed because of my height. "Yeah, last night when we all went out to have a few drinks you were getting off work after having a talk with boss and going home." "Uh I don't think that's how it happened." I interfere. "Because Paityn came after work to find me at Alfred's house since some major tea happened and the two dared me to kiss him. Then the two found out you two were getting drinks and went. Diva didn't have any except a coke

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