Chapter Fifteen: Angel or Devil

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Well I'm back and it's almost February. My family keeps teasing me on a few guys that I somehow like. (Bro I don't) anyway enjoy.


America's POV

I looked at Dad with a concerned expression. But all he did was just give a smile. That certainly was off. I gave a look to Russia and he just gave a small smile with some type of murderous lust in his eyes. I gulped and went back to eating my own food while Canada talked lively with Mom. 'I guess I can see where my kids get it.' Chuckling softly I get up from the table and put my dish away before opening the dishwasher and putting it in the rack. Soon everyone was done and we sat in the living room talking about whatever came to mind. "England are you good?" France asked. England clutched his stomach in pain. He grumbled which I think meant "no". Russia still had a smile on his face as the rest of my family started to panic. "America, call 911!" Canada yelled at me. I slowly got up, wanting the son of a bitch to suffer longer before France yelled at me more. "AMERICA." He yelled, tears were in the corners of his eyes but his long golden yellow hair shaded the tears that had already fallen.

(Ew why did this remind me of K a t e -_- because kate is disgusting bitch) (Sorry to anyone named Kate it's just to one of our people)

Once I had found my phone Russia was already at my side, slightly laughing but low enough for the three not to hear it. "Hello, 911 what's your emergency?" "H-Hello" I started slowly. "Sir is everything all right?" The responder asked. "I think my father's been poisoned." "Okay, we'll send dispatch towards your way, what's your address?" I told her the address and she paused which I think she was nodding. "What you need to do is just stay on the phone and have regular check-ins with me on how your father's doing." "O-Okay." "Sir are you at gun-point?" My eyes widened. "No, no I've just never been in this sort of situation." I had to mess up in words so it seems that I wasn't the one who poisoned him. Russia rubbed his eyes and ruffled his hair so he seemed stressed. 'Oh god this is gonna be on the news..' I sighed to myself and looked at my brother, mother, and father. "SO?! What did they say?!" Tears ran down my cheeks. "T-They'll be here in a little." "WHAT THE HELL IS A LITTLE?! YOU USELESS SON!" I shook and could feel myself breaking down at his words. France had never called me failure, only father had when I only asked him for a quarter. Russia comforted me as I clutched the phone in my hands, almost breaking it. "Mother." Canada spoke up. "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY BROTHER?!" He yelled at him, my eyes widened because the only other time the Canadian yelled was at his fans with delight. "Do I look like I care?!" Mother was highly offended by Canada's shouting. "Australia and New Zealand are way better than you two." He said sternly. Canada furrowed his eyebrows before I heard a knock at the door. I rushed over to

(I ain't R u s h i n, Wait I said that already, oh well.)

The door and opened it to reveal the Paramedics, Press, and Police. I let the Police and Paramedics in while shutting the door in the Fox New's broadcaster's face. They quickly rushed to England's aid and carted him out on the moving cot to the ambulance. Each of us were pulled for questioning. Once I got pulled aside I had stopped crying and was trying to calm myself down. "Mr. Empire, are you alright?" I nodded slowly. "Well for questioning we have to ask you what happened prior to the events." I sniffed and looked at the concrete sidewalk. "I had told my boyfriend that we were gonna have guests over and he was completely accepting of that fact, we were making a Russian cake earlier before we watched the news and I told him." The officer nodded, scribbling down on his notepad with a pen. "Then after a few hours it was beginning to be around dinner time and my family knocked on the door since a few minutes prior I was making southwest spring rolls." I took a deep breath. "Then I invited them inside and we started talking as my boyfriend and father started to get a little heated but they made up later at dinner and he went upstairs to cool down." "Did you tell him to go upstairs?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, he made that choice on his own. But a little after dinner was ready and I was making my father a special roll since he didn't like how spicy the original ones I made were." "Did you do this for every time you made them and he was there or when he came over?" "Yep, it's kinda just muscle memory at this point where I know exactly what to do." "Then once you all were sitting and eating did you notice anything when you were at the table?" "He did seem a little cautious to it but that wasn't anything out of the ordinary." The officer nodded and we said our goodbyes before he went to another officer who was questioning Canada. That girl from ET earlier was asking someone beside her to film for her. It was another girl but she was at least twice her height. "Hello?" I asked as they straightened out something and the girl jumped when I spoke. "Oh hello there Mr. Jones sir." She gave a smile along with the taller girl. In real life the smaller girl was a few inches shorter than me and the taller girl seemed at least a few inches shorter than Russia. "Has ET already been on the scene?" I asked, chuckling a little. The girl giggled with me, putting the mic that she had in her hand away. "Ya know I've never talked to a real life idol, isn't that right Rachel?" She looked up at the taller girl. She nodded and slowly put the camera down. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to meet up sometime. You seem really nice and I'd like to be friends." Her eyes widened as she saw me stick out my hand. She shook it and her big smile became a relatively small one. "By the way, I'm Lydia but you can call me Li-Die." I shook her hand as well. "And you already know mine." We chuckled and I brought my hand over to the taller girl. She panicked but soon calmed down at the touch of the short girl. "Ray-Hell, you good bro?" She asked. The taller girl chuckled. "Ha, no." Then she faced me and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you." She smiled and I could see that the shorter girl got lost in the crowd. "Li-Die! Where the hell are you?!" She yelled in the crowd of people. A few minutes pass and the short girl returns with another talk girl, not as tall as Rachel but still pretty tall. "Diva!" Lydia clapped. The tall girl known as Diva stuck out her. I shook it. "Nice to meet you sir."

(wow i'm so polite Lmao)

She smiled. "Lyd- Li-Die, is it okay if these two join us?" I asked. It seemed like stars were in her eyes as she smiled wide and nodded frantically. I smiled a little and pulled out my phone and told each of them to put their phone numbers in. They passed it down the line before Diva gave it back to me. "So you guys wanna meet at the park tomorrow?" "What time?" Lydia asked. "Round six." Diva frowned. "I might not be able to make it. I have to fly back to New York to turn in some designs. "B-But Divaa." The short girl whined. "You're a designer?" I asked. She nodded. "A fashion designer." Lydia corrected. Rachel rolled her eyes. "Diva, can I talk to you for a sec." I asked, She nodded and we went to a spot that was deserted. "Guess you have to move houses since everyone knows your location now." I chuckled. "Guess so, but I did grow up here for most of my life." She nodded. "Also would you be willing to be my fashion designer for the Met ball?" I asked. Her eyes widened but nodded slowly and solemnly. "Well I guess you know what your next project is then?" I asked. "Uhm." She held her hand together on her lap. "Well I'll be seeing you then." She waved and went back to her two friends who were chatting away until the taller male who came behind the short girl and scared her.

(out of total curiosity who is he? What do you mean?? Who is the girl and who is the boy , Who got scared and who scared them? Li-Die and P a i t y n TwTd imma go over to mattys house real quick And do what? Get some locations what else, And not tell him about this- Maybe

She yelped but laughed soon after and kissed the boy on the cheek. I smiled at the four until I went back inside to find Russia on the couch and Canada trying to find something. "Hey Can, whatcha trying to find?" I asked. He looked up from the cabinet with a small sly smile. I rolled my eyes and reached under the sink and pulled out two bottles of maple syrup. "You're the best brother!" He gladly took the bottles and left the kitchen to put them in his bag and headed out the door, saying a quick goodbye before he did. I waved and went to sit with Russia on the couch who was watching the news and with us on the TV screen. "As we saw here the famous Alfred Jones talking to another crew and they didn't freak out. He seems to be taking an interest with them and it seems that the thoughts of Russia and him being official is slowly fading away." I rolled my eyes. "They're nice people, I just had the pleasure of meeting them and becoming friends with them." I put my hand out to the TV. Then I heard my phone buzz. It was a message from a new group chat that I was added to. 'Hey Al!" 'Howdy?' I responded, not knowing any of the numbers. 'Oh sorry, It's Li-Die, Diva, and Rachel.' Smiling we text for a bit before Diva tells Lydia to stop spamming. I show Russia some of the texts before I ask the girls if he could be added to the group chat. They all replied with multiple forms of yes and I added his number. I also told him that I was going out with them at six tomorrow and he said that he'd be going over to the newly started couple of Italy and Germany. But I couldn't help but smile as I rewinded the events of today.


Well I guess this is where I finally give in to my friend's teasings. But I don't care. Word count get your ass over here.

Word Count: 1907

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