Chapter Two: 𝙽𝚘 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚎...

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3:00 𝚙.𝚖.

It's been a week since I saw Myahni

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It's been a week since I saw Myahni. I could have easily went over to her house and made her talk to me but I didn't. I wanted to respect her space. I understood that she was pissed, she had been by herself for nine years with the thoughts of my infidelities in her head. I wanted so badly to kiss all her beautiful ass face when I saw her. She was so damn sexy, and I couldn't believe that I had fucked around and got myself in the position I was in now.

Two weeks since I been out and I hadn't seen my babygirl once. The last time I'd seen her was when she was two months old. She's nine years old now and with what Fab tell me she looks just like me. I stood outside of my old apartment and held a confused expression. The last time I was here I was living with my wife so I was trying to figure out why the fuck Terry would send me this address. I knocked on the door and waited until somebody opened it.

The door opened and I was faced with my baby mother. Without thinking I unintentionally hit my bottom lip. I saw the reason I fucked her all those years ago, she was bad as fuck.


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"Hey." She said softly. Stepping out of the way to let me in.

"Wassam." I replied walking in. I analyzed the room and the furniture was different but I was definitely me and Myahni's old place. Pictures of Terry and a little girl that looked like my twin graced the walls of the same place. I smiled because this little girl was a splitting image of me it was crazy how much we looked a like.

"She's in her room." She said walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"How you been?" I asked not knowing what else to say. I honestly was trying to mentally prepare myself for seeing my daughter.

"Been good. You?" She asked.

"Straight, considering." I nodded. "When you move in here?" I asked honestly wanting to know.

"It's a long story." She sighed.

"I got time. Talk." I said sitting down on the opposite couch.

"Well, when you got locked up I was pissed off cause I felt like I wasn't gonna have no help. I was staying with my momma and she kept complaining about me and Cha staying there so I had to figure something out." I frowned. "So I posted some shit on Instagram being messy towards Myahni. I knew it was wrong but I was pissed off all the time and I wanted somebody to hurt like I did." Her face contorted into a frown. She played in her hair and continued on with the story. "My mom end up kicking us out and we had no where to go. Myahni saw me on the corner one night I was— you know, and she asked me what I was doing. I was so embarrassed but I told her. She told me to get in the car and we went and got Chanel from a friends house and she brought me here. Me and Chanel stayed with her until she moved out and she turned the lease over to me. She got me a job and I bought a car. We been living here ever since. Myahni still come by every weekend and get Cha, she helps out in anyway she can."

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