Chapter Five: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛...

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I can't believe I did that

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I can't believe I did that. I wasn't dick deprived. I wasn't drunk. So I had no excuse as to why I had slept with him last night. It's hard to explain but when he's around me I feel like the eighteen year old in love girl I used to be. Before I knew about his infidelities and before my mom died, for a second I could pretend he hadn't broken my heart.

Sitting up, the covers rolled off my naked body. Everything was sore and it was a feeling I hadn't felt in a while. Anytime I had sex in the past couple years I was in control of how he treated my body. But when I had sex with Lawrence, it was a whole new feeling. He was gentle but rough as hell and I loved every minute of it. It was like he was making up for all the years he hadn't been in between my legs. But I also had this nagging feeling that he'd slept with someone else since getting out.

Looking over at the other side of the bed, he wasn't there. It made me feel some type of way honestly. Any other time I wouldn't have cared about ole dude leaving but with my husband it was different.

I got out of the bed, walking over to my closet I grabbed my robe, and slipped it on. I walked into the bathroom and stopped seeing his clothes in my hamper and another toothbrush in the holder. I frowned because who told his ass to do that, but also I was secretly happy. I definitely wasn't going to admit it though.

Using the bathroom and taking care of my hygiene, I came out in my towel to get ready to get dressed.

"I thought you were gone." I said looking at Lawrence lacing up his shoes. He had on some different clothes, that looked familiar.

"Nah, I looked in yo' closet and seen you kept a few of my clothes so I took a shower and shit. Then fixed some breakfast." He said watching my every move.

"Oh." I said. I felt awkward because just a few days ago I had given him divorce papers and now I had slept with him. Against my better judgment.

Feeling his body behind mine I tensed, he placed his arms around my waist and kissed my neck making butterflies form in my belly. I pulled away before things got out of hand.

"What's wrong withcu'." He frowned. I sat down on the bed and started to moisturize my body.

"Nothing is wrong with me. Why'd you just do that?" I asked.

"Kiss on you?" I nodded. "Cause I wanted ta', I don't see the problem."

"Well it is a problem Rube." I said putting on the clothes I had picked out.

"I thought with what happened last night. That you were telling me, you was gone give a nigga another chance." He looked over at me, blowing smoke from the blunt he had lit up.

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