Chapter Six: 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍 𝙱𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑

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2:30 𝚙.𝚖.

I sat across the table from my wife

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I sat across the table from my wife. I shook my head, pissed off that I had gotten myself in this position. Having so long in prison to think about what I had done to Myahni, I thought that me getting out, I would have a chance to work on all the shit that we had gone through in the past. She sat across from me ready to sign her way out of my life for good, and I didn't know how to handle it at all. I stared her down, knowing that I was making her uncomfortable but I didn't know what else to do. I wanted her to say something. Say anything, do anything to let me know that this isn't what she really wanted. True enough, I didn't deserve her. I didn't deserve the woman that she was and all that she's done for me, but I didn't want to think about her being with anybody else but me.

"Is there anything you would like to say Mr. Brewster before we finish the signing process?" The square ass lawyer asked me. I threw him a death glare. He had been pissing me off all day.

"I would like to speak to Myahni in private." I demanded.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Her lawyer shook his head.

"Did I ask you what you thought, G. I said I wanna speak in private. So get the fuck out." My chest heaved up and down. My temper was getting the best of me, and I knew if he continued to say shit I was gone have to show him why they called a nigga Killer.

"It's okay Ronald, I'll be fine. Why don't y'all give us a minute." Myahni said looking over at me. Both my lawyer and hers left the room seconds later leaving us in silence. She stared off into space. I knew that she was waiting for me to speak my peace. I could see that she was fed up with me. She was tired of my apologies. And honestly I was tired of apologizing. I just wanted her to forgive and say that she'd be willing to work this out.

"What's up, what you want to say?" She asked staring into my eyes

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"What's up, what you want to say?" She asked staring into my eyes. My eyes traveled from her beautiful curly hair to her sexy brown legs. The same legs I had wrapped around me just a few weeks ago. I bit my lip thinking about our night together. "My eyes up here." She spike again, breaking me out of my thought.

"Why won't you give me another chance Ni? Can't you see I'm trying. I went legit, Ian got nothing to do with that life no more." She sighed.

"I didn't want you to get out and do anything for me Lawrence. I wanted you to get out and do that for your daughter. I want you to be the best man possible for her, because she deserves that."

"You deserve a good man too, and I'm trying to be that for you, but you ain't tryna let that shit happen." I pleaded.

"You're right. I do deserve a good man. I deserve a great man. I deserve someone that's going to love me unconditionally, a man that won't cheat, or lie to me. I deserve a man that's not going to put me in harms way and a man that won't leave me for ten years. I know you want to work on us, but we didn't even have a chance to be an us. We supposed to be celebrating a ten year anniversary of us being together. But instead we spent ten years apart. You don't know anything about me, and I don't know you anymore. I don't think I ever have. Just sign the papers, it's not like we'll never see each other. I'll still be there for Cha as much as I can."

Everything she was saying hit me so different. I knew that everything she was saying made sense. So if she didn't want me no more I was gone let her be free. But that won't stop me from loving her. I'll leave it alone for now. But at the end of the day, Myahni will be mine again.

"Okay, what ever you want Mi. I'm tired of arguing with you moe but just know one thing." I said stepping into her personal space. I looked down into them pretty ass eyes of hers. I bent down until my mouth was next to her ear. "I'll never stop trying baby girl." I whispered.

Walking back over to the table that held our paperwork, I looked at her one last time before I started to sign my name on the documents. Throwing the pen down, I opened the door to leave. I got this fucked up feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt like I was leaving behind not only my past but also my future.

Once I got out of the building I walked to my car. Before I could get in, I heard a voice I couldn't stand for shit. I turned around to face this dirty bitch that called herself Myahni 'friend'. That bitch wasn't a friend, and I knew that shit for a fact.

"Well if it isn't Killer." She said walking over to me, making that stupid ass face her ratchet ass always making.

"This bitch here man." I mumbled to myself. "Aye what you want?"

"My friend finally leaving your dog ass alone

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"My friend finally leaving your dog ass alone." She said blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Bitch, if you don't get yo' bum ass away from me." I said pulling my door open.

"I always knew you wasn't shit. You don't deserve her, you never did." She spat. I could feel my temper rising. I walked up to her.

"Funny thing bout that, she been knowing I ain't shit. She found out my dirt. But do she know yours." I growled. "We divorced now, but when she find out her best friend tried to swallow her husband kids, how you think she gone feel? Getch' yo' goofy ass away from my shit fa' I run that ass ova'." I could see the fear in her eyes, and that made me smile. She backed up from my whip and I got in. I cranked it up and pulled off leaving her standing there looking stupid.

"Stupid bitch."

Author's Note: Not Proofread
Hey y'all !!!
How has everybody been doing? I been okay. I miss y'all and I've missed this book. Chapters will still be coming in they will just be a little slow to be updated.
This just a little chapter for y'all. Love you


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