Lost in the Dark- Haybekah

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"For fear of moments stolen, I don't wanna say goodnight, but I'll still see you in the morning. Still know your heart and still know both your eyes."


"Where are we again?" Hayley asks, sitting down next to me.

"The roof of Saint Anne's Church," I reply, tracking her movements.

"What are we doing?"

"Lie down and you'll see luv."

She lies down incredulously, letting her hands rest on her stomach, mirroring my position.

"The stars are beautiful, not as pretty as they are in the middle of nowhere, but beautiful nonetheless."

"Where's the best best place to look at stars?"

"Norway, New Zealand, Sussex, there's many of places."

"Is that where you went when Klaus forced you to leave?"

I look at her and see she's already looking at me, "I traveled around, tried to keep a low profile on the off-chance Nik changed his mind."

"I'm sorry he did that to you," she breathes sincerely.

"It's all right, I enjoyed seeing beautiful stars," I turn back to the sky, "there's the North Star." I point up to the bright star.

"It's pretty, I wish I could see the places you went to."

"Maybe we'll take you someday."

"Elijah and Klaus would never let me leave New Orleans, especially now that Hope is inheriting the danger of the Mikaelson's."

I sigh, silently cursing at my brothers for their controlling behavior over Hayley and Hope, "I could sneak you out with Hope, my brothers suck at predicting where I am."

"Where did you take Hope?"

"Started in New York, went North when Esther figured out I had her, ended up in Iceland... no one found us there."

"She likes you."

"Who does?" I turn to her again, just in time to see her enigmatic smile flash across her lily-white face. "What?"

She laughs, "Hope likes you, according to Elijah, she points to both of us when he asks her who her mommy is."

For some reason, she finds this eminently funny because she erupts into hysterical laughter; a deep flush takes over my cheeks; I guess she would probably notice, except she's laughing too much. I missed her infectious laugh when Klaus forced me to run away and leave everything I loved behind. I still feel guilty for leaving her the first time. I didn't know if I could go again, and with her child. Unfortunately, I knew I needed to, for Hope's safety; I'm an expert at hiding, better than all my siblings combined. Coming home that second time felt different, almost like I was still on the run, and I was, this time from my mother. Moreover, the memory of returning to New Orleans with Hope and introducing her to Hayley burns in my mind. Every day I showed Hope pictures of her parents and told her stories about her family, the morally correct ones, not the scary stories.


I snap out of my thoughts; and look around to see Hayley sitting up, hovering over me, "what?"

"You zoned-out."

"Sorry," I mumble.

She lies back down, this time closer to me, our arms touching and an overwhelmingly powerful wave of anxiety rushes through me.

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