Chapter 1- meeting

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Lets start it right huh?!



Why do i feel like this?
I have no reason to. Im just broken i think.

Im surrounded by at least 10 people yet i feel the most isolated i have in what feels like years. But at the moment minutes feel like years so who am i fooling.

Im out at the moment.
I felt bad. My friends have been worrying about me and i HATE people worrying about me. It makes me feel like a burden.

I understand why though. I have been avoiding human contact for over two months and right now i wish i still was. I don't think I belong here.

Its nearing the end of the night. Which is when everyone leaves but me, i stay and drink because i hate the idea of leaving the house for three hours to go back again and stay in the same boring cycle. Some might say this is sad, well i say yeah it's definitely sad.

Its gotten so sad that i cant even finish my second drink which im really pissed out about. I ruffle my hair abit and put a generous tip on the table. Mostly because i know the workers are fed up of me for being here all night and taking up a seat at the bar where they know a wealthier person, man usually, could sit.

I go to stand up but make sure I'm balanced before i walk because i can definitely feel the effects the alcohol is having on my body. And the fact I'm wearing heels tonight doesn't help.
Not like i need to though, im nearly six foot as it is. But thats the reason im where i am today.

Thank you legs for being so damn long!

Once im stable i start to walk towards the large double gold doors at the front of the bar. I start getting nervous and fish in my bag for my sun glasses.
The last thing i want it someone recognising me.

I find my glasses and put them on in a rush as well as keeping my head down.

I reach the doors and can see them being opened, thinking its for me to exit. However i was surprised when i walked into a hard chest.

Owe! Fuck! My head is killing. What did i have to drink? And how much? I cant even remember.

"Sorry it must've been my glasses" i slurr while taking them off and holding them down by my side.

"Keep them off your eyes are beautiful" he says and when i look up I recognise him. But from where? It must've been a show I've done. Is he another model? 

"Im sorry do i know you?" I ask sounding rude but im slurring so much i know he realises im drunk.

"I dont know love, do you? If it helps i dont know who you are" he says with a cocky smirk and i really dont have the time for this i just want to leave and cry alone in my bed. Like right now. I need to go.

"Yes very helpful actually thank you " i speak sarcastically while going to put my glasses back on and walk around him again.
Until my movements are halted by him putting his hands over mine holding my glasses.

"What did i say. You dont need these. Let them see your eyes they are too pretty to be covered." He recites once again and i scoff while rolling my eyes.

"Thank you again, for the advice but i think you'll find im going to put on my glasses and leave. Au revoir!" I say and walk past him successfully this time. Im so tired i cant wait to take off these clothes and all my makeup.

when I finally reach the door i am stopped once again but not by his body , this time , but by his voice.

"Im harry by the way" he states and it clicks. He is from a show. My first Victoria secret show.  How the fuck did i not realise. I have that night memorised like the back of my hand. 

Maybe its the fact your shitface drunk Bailey! I say to myself in my head.

"Have a good night harry" i wave him off as a sort of goodbye and exit the bar with my head low and glasses on my face.


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