Chapter 2: School's First Day

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Winter's POV

"Mom, I got to go. I don't want to be late for school today." Winter said excitedly. "Okay son, behave at school." Winter's mom said.

"Yes Mom" Winter answered in a sing-song tone. Winter walks to the bus stop waiting for the bus to came. Few minutes passed, the bus came.

The sight infront of Winter is so beautiful. Students talking at the hallways, sound of cheers and laughs. Some students talking about their vacation.

Winter rushed to his locker, he put some of the books. He goes to his classroom and sit at the back. There are only five people inside the classroom including him. He lays his head on the desk and wait for the others to come.

Yuan's POV

He groans at the sound of his alarm clock. "School is so boring" he said with a sigh. "Now, I have to deal with it everyday."

He lazily get up and shiver rolls in his body when he steps on the cold floor. He took a bath and got dressed.

He took a walk to the bus stop and saw a familiar guy sitting at the very left side of the bus stop. He doesn't pay attention to the guy and put some music on his AirPods.

Being new to this school is quite hard to Yuan. "Uhmm, excuse me where can I find the principal office?" Yuan asked for the direction to the girl at the hallway chatting with her friend.

"Uhm, go to that way and you will find my heart, just kidding. Walk straight, turn to the left, then the first room." The girl said. "Thank you" Yuan muttered.

He left the two girls. And go to the directions given to him. He found the principal office and asked for the schedule and his locker number.

"Welcome to our school, Yuan. If you have any questions, feel free to go here." The Principals said. "Thank you, Maam". He said and exited the principal office.

He goes to his locker and put some of his things and change the lock number. He looked at his timetable and found his first subject, Great Math.

Winter's POV

The classroom is almost full. Some of his friends are here. But he doesn't want to talk. The room is filled of chatter and laughter until their math teacher and their classroom adviser, Ms. Amanda walks in.

The room that is filled before of noisy people now quiet like there is a mass.

"Goodmorning to everyone, welcome to another year here in our school. Not to forget, we have a new classmate." Ms. Amanda said and gestured at the person behind the door to come in.

The person get in, Winter's jaw drop when he saw his new classmate. He's the guy he met at the bus stop. "What's his name again? Oh Yuan". Winter said to himself.

"Hi everyone, I'm Yuan Lim 17 years old, please be good to me" Yuan introduced his self infront of his new classmates. "Uhm, there is an unoccupied seat at the back" Ms. Amanda said.

Yuan sit at the back next to Winter. Winter hide his face then Yuan noticed him. "Oh hi, cute guy" Yuan said to Winter. Winter blushed at the nickname. "Hi" Winter muttered.

"Mr. Class president, please tour Yuan around" Ms. Amanda said. "Yes maam" The class president, Luke, said.

"Okay, let's start the class. Open your books on page 15."

After a few discussion, the bell rings signaling for their next period. "Goodbye class, see you tomorrow and please do your homework." Ms. Amanda said before exiting the room.

The class president, Luke walk towards Winter's seat and talk to him. "Hey Winter, looks like you know Yuan well?" Luke asked. "No, we just met yesterday at the bus stop" Winter said. "Well, can you tour him around. We have a meeting later for the school opening festival." Luke said "But,-" Winter got interrupted by Luke. "No buts, please for me". "Okay, okay I will tour him later" Winter answered. "Thank you Winter, I owe you ice cream later" Luke said. "Sure" Winter answered.

"Oh, shi-" Winter got startled when he looks back. He saw Yuan standing there smirking. "Eyyy, I thought angels don't swear" Yuan said smiling. "I-I j-just get startled e-easily." Winter answered.

"Why are you stuttering, HAHAHA. That's okay, I swear a lot too". Yuan said. "Yu-Yuan, t-the c-class president t-told me t-to t-tour you a-around be-because he h-have a urgent meeting" Winter said then ran away because of embarrassment for stuttering a lot. Yuan laugh at the sight of Winter running away. So cute.

Author's note:
Thank you everyone for reading this book. How's your online class? Let's all have a positive mindset and I have a simple favor, please stream Enhypen Given-taken MV. Thank you again to everyone.

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