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Look who made me come back? My own BIAS wrecker!!!!! Cry me a river.

For those who don't know then Lemme tell you that yesterday Hendery posted on weibo a picture of him wearing locs as a joke. He treated those locs as a joke which offended black k-pop stans alot.

Many are calling him out and telling him to apologize. Since it was his own fault and SM ent wasn't involved in it Hendery himself should apologize. Many people are bringing up the fact that NCT has done this alot of times and no one apologized (who else is waiting for that mudra pose apology!!).

And many are are defending him by saying that “hey! Maybe he didn't know”. Many are just ignoring it.

Now let's discuss - :

Hendery is a grown man. He has wifi and he uses phone. He knows English. He is not only in Korean internet he knows what's going on internationally.

NCT has been in many scandals that has offended international fans on a superior level. They have successfully offended indians, middle East, Muslims(and now black).

That being said, Hendery is not a victim here. He was being ignorant. The action that was made by him was indeed idiotic. Sm was nowhere near involved in it. Therefore i do support people who are holding him accountable. And even unstanning NCT WITHOUT hating.

BUT! I don't want five white girls from other fandom shit on NCT or Hendery. If black people are offended then they should hold him accountable. It has nothing to do with us. And yeah! Hold him accountable without hating. Therefore, we other people can do nothing but support black people.

I do saw shit on twitter lmao- “tHaTs wHy I nEvEr sTaN nCt.” tHaTs wHy i nEvEr uSe sTaN tWitTeR. Bitch y'all were also the ones who said jungwoo’s name in woojin scandal lmfao. Is it really because if the cultural appropriation or you just hate NCT?

Now for apology, there is a 6% chance if sm letting Hendery apologies. If Hendery does it by himself then he would get in trouble and y'all know that. Is this scandal on k-netz? No. Then why would sm let him apologize? However. The 6% chance is because NCT is a group that is internationally popular now. And HENDERY is in subunit WAYV. WAYV has more international fans than Chinese so there is a bit hope.

I think next scandal would be of YANGYANG- y'all seeing the pattern?

Btw is it me or sm idols lack a bit wittyness? (I'm looking at Irene and hendery)

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