🌑 . . chapter eighteen.

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❝ who would've thought everything would end so quickly? ❞

✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩

[ hello : i didn't really plan on updating before the weekend but rewatching doyoung's part in the from home mama performance for the nth time hit me in the face and now i am motivated mm stan kim dongyoung ]

( november 07, 2022. )

everything went downhill since then.

doyoung still chose to pursue his music career at nearby bars, but the current experience was different to what he was used to. there weren't other voices to back him up real time, nor faces to glance at when he looked back to assure him he was doing well.

even his audience undergone a drastic change. hundreds of noticeable supporters went down to a number he could count with his fingers.

yeah, people found his songs as nice background music while drinking, but that was it. nothing else. his so-called fans who got him trending everywhere were nowhere to be seen either. customers barely payed attention, most ending up exiting without merely acknowledging his efforts.

everything just felt so empty nowadays.

oh how he missed those particular elements of his performances.

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"all our bills are overdue."

raeil piped up amidst their awkwardness during the drive back home. she did feel bad watching his previous performance with no acknowledgement whatsoever, but the topic was just too serious disregard.

call it 'right topic, but wrong timing'.

he replied, "i'll find a way to pay in a few days."

and the reply . . . she was tired of it. she was tired of hoping that tomorrow would finally be the day the pay he mentioned would come, only to end up helplessly paying it all with all her salary could handle. the excuse was too overused.

"you say that all the time," she didn't even care to thoroughly think of her remarks anymore, the irritation was already getting the best of her, "yet nothing happens."

"are you implying something?"

"and if i am?" raeil carried on, raising her volume a little higher. "come on, doyoung, what are you doing? you always complain about how 'inefficient' you are and yet you're still living the same process every damn day. why do i always have to do everything for you?

"want me to be honest? you're so prideful. you can't move on. it's getting you nowhere."

the other kept a calm composition, despite the words being sharper than he could ever expect raeil to say. but you know, he had his own side too.

"i never asked you to live a miserable life with me."

"you're literally pulling me down with you."

"why'd you let yourself get pulled down?"

"i can't- i can't just leave like that."

at some point, he lost the calmness.

it started when some part of himself began to exposedly say, "oh, want me to be honest too? you depend on people too much. you depend on me too much. you're blaming me even though you had the choice to back out long ago. i never gave you the obligation to pamper me. at this point, you're just bringing pain to yourself."

"you can't live alone."

"that's none of your business."

"i'm your girlfriend."

for some reason, this shut doyoung up.

more opportunity for raeil to ramble though.

"it's an old issue, but maybe you got kicked out of the band for a reason."

and that was it. an enlarged yet unexpected flame.

both individuals didn't know what got into their heads for them to initiate such a heated argument which was, in no way, comparable to the daily petty ones they had. it was as if different spirits took over their mentalities during that point in time.

"yeah, and i think you just can't help but voluntarily get your life fucked up real good, then you dwell over it as if it's not your fault. why do you hurt yourself so often when you have options?" he fired back, anger seeping through his way of speaking. "this isn't the first time, is it, raeil? should i be reminded of what happened to you and your dad too? i think it'd be really good to share at-"

as much as she wanted to continue proving her point, he mind immediately went blank after hearing what he said. although it was partially her fault for coming to this, the topic was something she held onto with a heavy heart as it was very sensitive and seeing how he-the person she trusted with all her heart-just threw it out like glitter in the air hurt.

panicked, her hands reached for the door handle as she said, "s-stop the- stop the car."

"no, you wanted to talk about this, right?"

"doyoung, stop the fucking car!"

"i won't until we fucking finish."

"what's done is done. i'm sorry, okay?"

"no, it's not okay. i still wanna give you the talk you want."

"i do no- oh my god."

due to not paying much attention (and even yelling at each other) to the road while they were moving, they . . well you already know it.

the other vehicle which came from the left side was much, much bigger then their impala, meaning they were technically out of the driver's sight. and although it was a sorry sight with the slightest chance to be prevented, nobody had enough time to process everything right away.

considering both the heaviness and speed of the vehicle, its impact was phenomenal. and by phenomenal, i mean it ruined everything. the shattered windows sent shards of glass pierce in the air, then through their skins. there weren't any installed airbags either, so the damages to their heads weren't any different.

everything was awfully blurry and rapid to the point where the supposedly numbing pain was unprocessable.

since then, the realization that everything happened a little too quickly hit much harder.

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[ gabrielle's notes ]

i'm sorry why did i laugh

my execution is shit </3

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