JAY; mistletoe

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you were quite popular among the boys at school, one decided to confess to you under a mistletoe but jay comes and saves the day!!


weeks before christmas, you stroll in the halls of your school, enjoying yourself who was once at peace.

"WAIT THERE!!" a male voice echoes behind you, immediately dropping the corners of your lips into a frown.

you hum, as if asking them to say what they need to say, "so umm.. you're very cute in class when you're bored and being shy around the teacher and also when you..."

the boy kept rambling as you eventually dozed off and nodded at every word.

finally, the boy was done and began reaching for something from his back pocket. "oh look haha a mistletoe... may i... kiss y-"

"THAT'S NOT FAIR I WANT TO KISS HER TOO!" a hoard of your fans come running towards you two, at a speed of light.

however, through the whole crowd and chaos which was caused by a tiny mistletoe, you were embraced by warm arms, turning both of you around to a 180.

"kiss my back then if you will." jay? followed by sudden silence.

while the whole crowd was stationary from utter shock, jay snickers behind you and takes the mistletoe from the boy's hand. "thanks, i'll be needing this."

you turn around and stare at jay, who beamed with confidence as he moved swiftly while others stood still with their mouths left agape.

before you knew it, a warm hand came in contact with yours, dragging both of you away from the crowd like a newly wed couple.



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merry christmas :))

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