Kidd x Reader {In Jail for Christmas?} AU

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"I can't believe this shit! Killer I told you to keep Kidd out of trouble until after Christmas was over!" How could Kidd do this to me? Christmas was a few weeks away and he wouldn't be able to spend it with me because he had gotten himself arrested. "You know how Kidd is (Y/n) once he sets his mind on something there's no talking him out of it"

"Don't make excuses for that man Killer! He promised that we were going to spend Christmas together but I guess that was too make to ask for since he was in jail last year too!" Killer was trying to calm me down when the phone rang. "That's him, isn't it!? Tell him that I hate him and I wouldn't be waiting for him when he gets released!"

"(Y/n) wa-" I didn't let Killer finish as I stormed out of the house and started walking down the street. He knew that I only said that because I was upset that Kidd broke yet another promise he made to me. I really was just hoping that we could spend at least one Christmas together as the other criminal couples did, hell even Law stayed out of jail for his girlfriend. "I hate that man!"

"Fufufufu. Something wrong (Y/n)?" What is he doing on this side of town? My eyes locked with Doflamingo's sunglasses as I opened my mouth to yell at him but his girlfriend interrupted me before I could. "Doffy leave her alone. Kidd's in jail again this year so she's alone for Christmas"

"Is that so? I could make a few calls and have him released but you'll owe me a favor (Y/n)~" Did this man think I was a moron or was he just toying with me? Either way, I didn't like it. "Fuck you Doflamingo! I know better than to make a deal with you and stay on your side of town, this is Kidd's territory you shouldn't be here!"

He started to raise his hands as his laughter echoed off of the alleyway walls we were standing in and it made me want to punch him in the face. "Fufufu. I was just trying to help you out (Y/n) but if you don't want my help then it's yo- Owowowow, let go of my ear Birdie!" I offered his girlfriend a smile as she started to dragged Doflamingo out of the alleyway, no normal person would have been able to reach the man's ear but that girl could create clouds at will and was sitting on one right now.

"Let's go home Doflamingo, we still have to decorate our Christmas tree. Bye (Y/n) I hope things work out for you!"

"I hope so too!"


A Few Hours Later...

When I finally made it home, I slammed the door shut as I kick off my boots and started screaming for a certain man. "Killer, did you tell Kidd that I hated him!? Who wants to help me decorate the tree or am I going to have to do it by myself?"

Someone replied to me but it was the last person I expected to be here. "I'll help you (Y/n). Killer's not here I sent him to the store"

"K-Kidd, I thought you were in jail!? You didn't escape did you!?" He was sitting on the couch but got up to give me a kiss before he pulled me down onto the couch with him. "Nah, they let me go... something about Doflamingo pulling some strings. You didn't make a deal with him did you (Y/n)?"

"...No, he offered his services but I declined. Maybe his girlfriend made him do it? Oh, well all that matters now is that your home for Christmas and you are not to step foot out of this house until after the holiday is over. I can't risk you getting arrested again, this will be our first Christmas together! It is big, I need to take pictures!"

"I'd like to see you try to keep me, prisoner, in my own home (Y/n). Christmas is weeks away what am I supposed to do during all that time!?" I slid my fingertips down his chest as I whispered into his ear. "I'll come up with something~ Why don't you text Killer and tell him not to come home just yet~?" 

"You two really need to move into your own place... come on guys the Boss needs some alone time with his girlfriend"

"I know you're just jealous Killer! Now where were we Kidd... oh right I remember!"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now