Hawkins x Reader {The Christmas Party} AU

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Hawkins' Pov

As I stared over at the girl who was still wrapping Christmas presents for her close friends and family, I started to speak to her. "(Y/n) why do we have to attend Trafalgar Law's Christmas party again? I would rather stay at home if I had the choice" (Y/n)'s eyes slightly narrowed at me but they quickly softened as she returned to her wrapping. "You're more than welcome to stay home Hawkins though keep in mind that if you're not there then some creep might take advantage of me"

"No, I'll attend in order to ensure your safety, my dear. Do you require any assistance wrapping those gifts?" The girl was as sweet as they came but her gift-wrapping skills could use some work. "Oh, I thought you didn't want to help me wrap presents this year Hawky~ Though if you really want to help you can wrap and I'll manage the tape roll... Hey, Hawky do you think everyone will like what I picked out for them? I tried really hard to please everyone this year but I'm worried they won't like their presents"

"Everyone will be satisfied with their gifts (Y/n). When does this party start again?" When her eyes locked on the clock across the room, she started to bite at her lip but soon enough the girl replied. "Eight o'clock but Law said he doesn't want anyone to be late or else he'd steal their heart for the night. I'd rather not have my heart stolen so let's leave super early"

"Alright (Y/n)"


A Few Hours Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Hawkins, I got you some egg nog to put you in the festive mood, and look there's even some nutmeg sprinkled on top" Since the man was sitting in a chair, I took a seat on his lap before I placed the glass into his hand. "Thank you my dear though I do not care much for this drink. Why don't you drink it instead?" I didn't like hearing that Hawkins was refusing the egg nog but without saying anything back I removed it from his hand. "Stop being a Grinch. This is Christmas time and you're not even smiling Hawkins"

"I do not smile often (Y/n). When may we leave this party?" We have only gotten here a few hours ago and I really didn't want to go until it was absolutely necessary. "You can go home but I'm staying. I'll just get a drive home with someone else" Hawkins wasn't the kind of man that celebrated holidays like everyone though since I was his wife, he often just bared with it to make me happy. "Did I upset you (Y/n)? That wasn't my intention but Eustass has already stabbed a man and Trafalgar is lying unconscious in that chair over there"

"Kidd always stabs someone it's like tradition. As for Law, he's just a little drunk but he'll be fine" As my eyes locked with Law's body, I did find it a little odd that he was drunk this early into the night but I knew that Luffy was here so maybe that explained it. "Do you have an explanation for why Donquixote, Crocodile, and Dracule are partaking in the consumption of cannabis in the restroom?"

That didn't surprise me at all though I would have thought Mihawk would have been the buzzkill of their group. "Doflamingo is a drug dealer but then again he's just odd... What else have you seen at this party Hawky?" I wasn't allowed to wander around the house without anyone supervising me though it would seem like Hawkins got to see all the good stuff. "It's none of your concern (Y/n). Would you like to take a walk outside? Trafalgar has a light display that you might like"

"Nooooooo, Hawkins. It's cold outside I want to stay inside where it's warm" Cuddling close to Hawkins' chest I felt his arms wrap around me though something else distracted me from across the room. "Look it's Smoker and he doesn't look very happy. Do you think Law went behind his back again this year?" I thought Law's husband was working tonight but he must have gotten off early or someone told him about this little get-together. "Most likely (Y/n) though Trafalgar might avoid Smoker's anger for the time being due to his unconsciousness"

"I wouldn't count on that. Smoker is a hard-ass man that will dump a bucket of water on you while your sleeping" I wasn't sure why those two even stayed together but, in the end, I thought they were a cute couple. "Trafalgar D. Water Law! Get your ass up I told you there wasn't going to be a Christmas party at my house this year! What the hell is it!?" Taking Hawkins' hand in my own I slid off of his lap before I pulled him with me towards the door. "Let's go home my adorable fortune teller~ I'd rather avoid seeing Law have his ass kicked this year. Are the roads going to be safe?"

I knew that it was starting to snow just as we arrived but Smoker made it here alive so I had some hope that everything would be just fine. "The roads hold no misfortune. You may sleep on the journey home if you'd like (Y/n)" That was a kind offer though I preferred to talk with the male during our drives at least until I fell asleep against his arm. "Nope~ You'll have to deal with me talking the whole trip~" Hawkins didn't complain much though I knew for a fact that I could annoy him at times. "Watch your step on the ice (Y/n)"

"Can you carry me, Hawkins? I don't like walking on ice especially in these shoes they have zero traction" Hawkins wasn't a noodle so without any complaint, he scooped me up in his arms and starting to walk across the yard to where we parked. "Did you enjoy the night my dear?" The night seemed like it was ending prematurely but with Smoker here everyone would be forced out anyway or at least he'd send you home in a cab if you couldn't drive. "Thanks for coming with me Hawkins~ You're the best... Can you make me a big fire when we get home to roast marshmallows over?"

"Your wish is my command. Shall I make you some of that candy cane hot chocolate as well?" After I was placed safely within the passenger seat, I sent the man a small grin. "That sounds lovely. I love you, Hawkins. Let's make this Christmas the best one yet"

"If that smile remains on your lips, I'd give into all your childish desires until the end of time. I love you, my dear"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now