Sanji x Reader {The Present} AU

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Requested By: Vemu_Abhi


"(Y/n)-chan~ Wake up my Love, it's Christmas Day~" My eyes slowly opened as I started to glare at the blonde who had decided he needed to wake me up. "Noooooo~ Five more minutes Sanji~" He started to kiss my neck as he pulled the warm blankets off of me. "It's so cold, give me those back! I'm not ready for the day yet!"

"You're so cute (Y/n)-chan~ I brought you breakfast so you can eat it in bed before we go downstairs and open presents!" Sanji always made the best dishes and now that I was awake, I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep anyway. "Fine... What did you make me Sanji?"

"All your favorites, take a look... and I made you some candy cane hot chocolate as well~" I sat up as Sanji placed another pillow behind me so I could sit up straight. Then he replaced the covers as he placed a tray on my lap and handed me a fork. "What would I ever do without you Sanji, you're the best!"

"Eat up (Y/n)-chan, I'll be right back" I didn't know where he was going but I continued to eat my breakfast until he returned. "Shall we go open presents, my Love? Allow me to take your dishes"

"Thank you, Sanji and yes let's go open some presents"



When I saw the pile of presents underneath our Christmas, I couldn't help but smack my boyfriend on the arm slightly. "Sanji! I think you overdid it this year, you didn't need to buy so many gifts for me" He only laughed at me as he picked me up and kissed my lips. "Hm... There's not that much more than there was last year and you're my lover so I have to spoil you"

"Right... Shall we starting opening these then?" Sanji put me down as he brought me over to the couch. "Close your eyes (Y/n)-chan!" I did as he told me and it didn't take long before something fluffy was placed on my lap. "You can open your eyes now my Love~"


"A kitten!? You got me a kitten!? It's so fluffy!... But Sanji I thought you were allergic to cats" I sent the man a confused look as the kitten in my arms started to play with the strings hanging from my sweater. "I- 'Achoo' I am but I know that you've always wanted one and when you love someone you put them above yourself. What do you want to name them?"

"I'll name them... Mr. Swirls" Sanji handed me a cat toy as I started to play with the newest member of our family but I couldn't help pitying Sanji as he sat on the other side of the room occasionally sneezing into a tissue. "I love you so much Sanji. Why don't we open the other presents now?"

"I lo- 'Achoo' I love you too (Y/n) and just let me get some allergy medicine first"

"Sure, thing Sanji... Awe little Swirls, Sanji's allergic to you but that's okay I'll just have to love you twice as much~ This is the best Christmas ever"



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