Katakuri x Reader {Christmas Treats}

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Requested By: CrystalStar707


"Try this one Kata" I held another sweet in front of Katakuri's mouth as he happily bit into it. "Ah! That one was better than the last (Y/n)~" The taste testing with Katakuri wasn't going as I planned since he liked all the desserts I got him to taste so far. But really this man liked everything I made he even ate my burnt cookies last year with a smile and didn't even spit them out.

"Hm~ Oh, I want to try that one next!" I grabbed the next pastry and let him eat it just like he had done with the last. "You're too easy to please Kata~ I know I'm your wife but you're allowed to hate my cooking"

"Impossible (Y/n) all your dishes are delicious... but none of them are as tasty as you are~" Oh no, Katakuri was flirting with me again, I hated it when he did that. "Ah! Stop it Kata, you're making me blush" He only laughed as he held a pastry to my lips. "Bite Love~"

"The pastry... or do you want me to bite you~?"

"Hm... the pastry Love though the second thing might be fun later~"


Later in the Day...

"Kata, the lights go around the tree silly. Here let me help you" I went over to Katakuri as I found the end of the lights and started to make him spin in a circle. "No one better walk in on this (Y/n)"

I couldn't help but compare Katakuri to a Christmas tree so I proceeded to hum a tune before I started to sing. "Oh, Kata tree~ Oh, Kata tree~ You stand in splendid beauty~" Katakuri's face started to turn red as he continued to spin, then his mouth opened as he voiced a complaint. "Stop it (Y/n)! I'm not a Christmas tree"

"No, you're a Kata tree! There... can you put these on the actual tree this time Kata?" I handed him the Christmas lights as I went to sit on a chair. Katakuri was twice my height so I'd only get in his way if I tried to help him. "Oh, Kata tree~ Oh, Kata tree~"

"(Y/n)!" I've teased Katakuri enough for one day, though I knew that the man would never get mad at me for it. "The lights are on the tree (Y/n). Let's start decorating it~" As I walked over to the man, I remembered I got us some new decorations to put on the tree this year. "I'll be right back Kata! Don't go anywhere!"


"I'm ba- Kata don't touch those! I made those cookies for Santa!" His hands shot up as he backed away from the plate of cookies. "Sorry (Y/n) I didn't know! You're baking is just so good!" I saw he only took a few so I made a note to replace the cookies before going to bed later. "I'll make you some more later but look at what I found in town!"

Once I opened the box, I let Katakuri take a look inside, and the smile that spread across his face when he saw ornaments was priceless. "Doughnut ornaments! You're the best (Y/n)!" Before I knew it Katakuri had picked me up and carried me over to the tree. "Let's start decorating!"


"Look Kata, we match!" I spun in a circle as I showed Katakuri the sliver tinsel I had wrapped around my neck like a scarf. "Cute~ Did you want to put the star on the tree (Y/n)?" A smile spread across my lips as I went to find the Christmas star me and Katakuri used every year. We actually made it together during our first Christmas as a couple so it was a very special thing for both of us.

"Hm... Katakuri I can't find our star!!! Did you move it?" When I said that he came running up to me with a worried look in his eyes. "What do you mean it's not there!?" We look all around the room but couldn't find a trace of the star anywhere and that's when I realized something.

"Someone in this house has stolen our star, Kata! Come on we had to search every inch of this place until we find it!"


A Few Hours Later...

Since we couldn't find our star for the last few hours, we decided to ask Linlin if she knew of its whereabouts. "Hm, you're Christmas star is missing you say?" I was sitting on Katakuri's shoulder as he talked with his Mother. "Yes, Mother"

"Mamamamama. This star wouldn't happen to have a chibi version of you and (Y/n) on it, would it?" My eyes widened as Linlin said that, no one else should know that detail about me and Katakuri's star beside the two of us. "It does! Where did you see it!?"

"Your brother Cracker was carrying that star throughout the hallways just the other day. Mamamamama. Why is this star so important to you my son?" As I stared at the doorway Katakuri quickly replied to his Mother since he knew that our star was in danger.

"Me and (Y/n) made that star together during our first Christmas... We need to go but thank you, Mother!" We turned to leave as Linlin spoke up about one last thing and it made me smile. "Anytime my son... Oh, and (Y/n) did you make any more of your famous Christmas desserts?"

"There was plenty left in the kitchen this morning but if there isn't just let me know and I'll make some more!"


Outside Cracker's Bedroom...

As we stood outside of Cracker's bedroom, I couldn't help but hear Katakuri start growling at the door. "Do you think he's in there, Kata?"

"I can sense the thief (Y/n). Let's go" Before I knew it the bedroom door had been kicked off its hinges as we entered the room. Cracker had been asleep but Katakuri's actions had woke him up as he tried to flee the room. "Where is my star Cracker!? Don't make me ask twice!"

"O-Over there!" I followed Cracker's shaking finger as my eyes locked onto the star that was sitting on his desk. "Ah! Kata there's our star, go make sure it's okay!" When I said that Katakuri made his way over and picked up the star as he gave it a good look. I knew Cracker had taken the chance to flee the room but I knew Katakuri would find him later.

"It looks okay to me. Let's go put it back where it belongs~"


"And there! Is it on straight Kata?" I was put back on the ground as my hand slid into Katakuri's as I took in the tree we had just finished decorating. "It looks fine to me~ Can we go make more Christmas treats now (Y/n)?"

"Of course, Kata~ I love you~"

"I love you too (Y/n)~"



One Piece x Reader {Christmas One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now