Chapter Nine

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"So, you two finally said the L-word." Jesse smiles at me from across the lunch table.

I look beside me at Mick and smile, also. "Yeah, we did."

"So, we've now got two couple in our group. Ugh." John groans. "I can't believe I'm still single, what am doing wrong?" He's got to the point where he's whining like a girl.

Nic eyes him from across the table. "Is it your time of the month? Because...." she trails off, a small smirk at the corners of her mouth.

John glares at her. "No, it is not."

"Yo, Johny boy, cut the girly crap and people won't guess you're some opposite of a drag queen." Calum waves his fry at him.

We all laugh, and the tips of John's ears go pink. I grin at him, then spot something over his shoulder. A girl is staring at him.

"Hey, John, " I whisper, leaning closer to him, Mick right by my shoulder. "That girl over there is totally checking you out."

Mick looks over John's shoulder. "Yeah dude, that's a hot chick." I elbow him in the ribs and he chuckles.

John looks over at the girl and grins at her. She lifts a shy hand and waves him over. John turns back to us.

"Wish me luck." He whispers. "Good luck!" I shout as he approaches her. I see him give me the tiniest of middle fingers and I laugh.

"So, back to you two and certain L-words..." Rob says, looking at Mick and myself.

John came back, looking a little dissapointed, I guess it didn't work out.

"Yes!" Nic bounced up and down on her seat in excitement. "So, how did it happen? When did it happen? Where did happen?" She was wiggling with excitement so much she fell out of a chair.

John, and only John, fell off his seat also in fits of laughter. "Id-id-idi-ot!" He gasped.

Rob raised an eyebrow at him "Says you." He looks at us, both eyebrows now raised. We all laughed.

John glared at Rob. "I will kill you."

I sighed. "Come on Johny, let's walk to beddie-bie so you can go to dreamy-dreamy land." I pulled him along by his arm, Mick staying beside me. John grunted.

"I can't wait for Summer Break! Mark, that's my older brother, he won't stop moaning at me to come home." I grinned up at Mark.

"Love you," he nuzzled his nose against mine.

"I love you too." I smiled against him.

"Ewww! Oh my God, stop! Please!" John fell to his knees in the middle of the corridor, getting strange looks from passerbyes.

I rolled my eyes, but Mick was one step ahead of me. "Come on, or the name Johny boy will stick."

John hopped up, and Mick took ahold of his arm. "Can you go back to your bedroom by yourself? A-Bird and I have to be somewhere."

"Sure." He walked away, a spring in his step as usual.

"A-Bird? Have we gotten to that little sad place in our relationship?"

He laughs. "Yep, our happy-sad place is named A-Bird."

"Well, if you're calling me A-Bird, I'm calling you M-Dog."

"That sounds cool."

"Okay then, M-Kitten."

"Not so great..."

"Then it stays!"

We laughed, and he lead me outdoors.

"So, where are we going exactly?" I ask, I had honestly not even known we were doing something together till five minutes ago.

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