#3 Back Home

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She was sobbing on the screen in front of me.
Eyes red and puffy.
Sobs wrecking her body and it broke my heart because it was my fault her beautiful face was streaked with tears.
"Why...out of everybody in this whole damn world," she quietly whispered "you did this to me? I trusted you more than me Louis. I trusted you more than me.."
She went offline and I stared at the blank screen of my laptop with tears dripping from my eyes and remorse in my heart.

2 hours.

I've been thinking from 2 hours about Veronica. I haven't talked to anybody at all. The boys tried to ask me what happened but I just couldn't bring myself to tell them. They knew who Veronica was but they didn't know why we stopped talking. I chose not to tell them.

Our plane was now landing. I was very excited to come home but now...the excitment has just died.

"Hey Lou!," Harry shouted waving his hands in front of my face "We've landed. Get up!"

"Oh sorry..." I said looking out of the window.

I stand from my seat and was disappointed to see Veronica's seat empty in front of me.

Me and the boys picked up our lugaage and made our way out of the airport. We didn't have any problem because nobody knew we were coming back to London except our families and management. We were greeted by Paul outside the airport.

"Welcome back lads!" He cheerfully said.



Hi there!
Sorry for the short filler kinda chapter :(
Ill try to make the next chapter more long and interesting.

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