Chapter 5

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Techno gasped for air. He had no idea how long he had been running, but, his entire body ached, which led him to believe that it was longer than he should of been.

"I win!" He shouted, but there was no response from Tommy, whom he was racing against.


Feeling the cold, sharp air in his lungs, he looked behind him expecting to see his younger brother, who was following behind him. They had just finished playing tag in the woods and were racing back to the house. But, to his surprise, Tommy was nowhere to be seen.

He tried to stay calm at first, thinking he just ran a little too fast and Tommy was just lagging behind; he was slower than him after all. But, after a few minutes of searching and calling his name, nothing changed. Feeling tears of worry start to fall from the corner of his eyes, he ran back into the house to get help as fast as possible.

He burst into the house, the door hitting the wall causing a loud bang that got both Phil and Wilbur to look up from their respective books. Phil looked at Techno and, seeing the tears gush down his face, he immediately stood up.

"What happened," Phil asked, not even trying to mask the concern in his voice.

"I-It's Tommy-," Techno wailed. "I lost him!"

Phil quickly ran over to Techno to reassure him that everything will be okay.

"Please...," Techno pleaded. "H-Help me find him."

"Of corse," Phil smiled giving Techno a sense of peace.

"Wilbur," Phil commanded, turning around to look at him. "Stay here, I'm gonna go help Techno find Tommy."

Wilbur swiftly nodded and, without saying a word, quickly went back to reading his book as both Phil and Techno ran out the door.

While they were walking out into the woods, Phil noticed Techno still crying so he asked him simple questions when they started looking around, to help him calm down.

"When was the last time you saw Tommy," he asked, his voice staying steady and calm.

"I-I'm not sure," Techno concurred. "We noticed that the sun was starting to go down so we were heading back and I came up with the idea to race. Tommy agreed and I started counting down from 3."

Techno stopped for a second, trying to collect his thoughts and stay calm.

"Then what happened," Phil coaxed.

"Umm...," Techno began. "Well, I made sure to look behind me a lot to make sure he was still there and I saw he was gaining on me, surprisingly. So, I kinda just ran and stopped looking back and, when I stopped running, he was gone."

"It's fine," Phil laughed. "He probably just got lost in the way."

"Ok...," Techno muttered, hiding the worry in his voice.

They continued to search for hours, calling Tommy's name in small intervals. After 20 minutes or searching, Techno saw a blonde tuft of hair peaking out from the bushes.

"Tommy!" Techno shouted, running up to him with Phil following close behind.

"Oh," Tommy smiled and looked over at his brother. "Hey Techno!"

"Tommy! I was so worried," Techno continued, still shouting.

Tommy shushed him as Phil and Techno caught up to him. Tommy pointed with his eyes at his hands as both Phil and Techno knelt down to get a better look.

They looked down to see a small bird in Tommy's hands.

"Look," he whispered. "I found him on the ground!"

Phil held out his hands as a way to signal him to place the fragile creature in his own hands.

Once the bird was secure in his hands, he slowly stood up to place it back into it's nest.

After the bird was safely in this home, Phil knelt back down to speak to Tommy.

"I'm proud of you Tommy," Phil grinned. "You did a good thing; although, next time, please tell us where you are going so you don't scare us."

"I was terrified," Techno interjected.

"I promise!" Tommy smiled, showing his missing teeth.

"Great," Phil laughed. "Then we should probity head back now. It's looks like it's time for dinner."

"Yay!" Both Techno and Tommy shouted in unison.

They all stood up and walked back to the house, a now whole family.


Technoblade trekked through the woods to his destination. Sweat pouring down his face, he placed his hand over his eyes to look for the sun. Seeing as the sun wasn't yet setting in the sky, he immediately resumed hiking, avoiding branches along the way.

He had been walking for days on end and was running out of food. He was contemplating on going back but he knew he didn't have enough supplies to do so.

He wanted to see his home, that wasn't a question, but it felt as if this was a useless mission and he was doing this impulsively and didn't completely think it though. Maybe nostalgia had taken over and he just needed to vent and completely took the wrong approach.

He quickly pushed those thoughts out of his head and continued at a steady pace.

After walking for a while longer, he could feel his body slowly give out on him, which was very rare and uncommon for him. He knew he hadn't slept or ate in a considerable amount of time, which most likely had something to do with it.

Against his own judgement, he slumped down next to the nearest tree and tried to steady his breathing. Then, he reluctantly pulled out his last bit of food that he had (the empty bag taunting him) and he took a bite of the last loaf of bread he had.

Trying his best to get up, his muscles refused and kept him restrained to the ground. He decided to accept his fate and began to close his eyes to rest after an uneventful and unfruitful journey; that is, until, something caught his eye.

He noticed a tree. There was nothing special about this tree, it was just a regular tree. It looked so similar to the ones around it, so similar that no one would even bat an eye at it, but Techno did. In fact, he recognized this tree. He recognized all of them, and he never forgets a tree.

He immediately sat up, having this newfound motivation, and ran over to these nostalgic trees. He remembered the games he, Wilbur, and Tommy would play in these woods, he remembered the baby bird incident, he remembered everything. 

And, just like he had done so many times before, he ran home. Emptying his mind as he ran, excitement and overwhelming hope filling his entire body.

He finally slowed down when he reached his destination, a sense of déjà vu flooding over him.

He only walked to the house, taking his time, not wanting to miss a single refreshing feeling, but, subconsciously stopped at his favorite spot on his favorite bench. He wasted no time sitting down, almost perfectly recreating his happy memories.

Ignoring the burning tears now falling out of his blood-red eyes, he looked up just in time to see the sun set. Not exactly like his memories, but close enough.

Looking down he whispered to himself,

"I'm home..."

Hello! So sorry for the long wait! School is being a pain right now so I've been a bit busy. I promise to be more consistent with my updates. Also, I have been trying to stay as true to the actual lore of the SMP as possible, but with the recent events, it might be hard to do so, but I will try my best! Thank you for understanding!

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