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"ARE YOU DRAWING those silly paintings of yours again?" A familiar voice questioned, making Wren look up at the sound. A small grin appeared on her face, before she dramatically rolled her eyes and nodded. "Well, let me see."

"You're demanding today," she commented, handing over her sketchbook in her friend's direction. "It's the same as always. Ruins by a beach. I don't know why I always draw it, it's quite weird, to be honest. It's the only thing that comes to mind."

"How odd..."

"What is?" When she didn't answer, Wren waved a hand in her face, attempting to gain her attention once more. "Susan? Are you alright?"

"Yeah," the brunette offered a smile. "It's just, it looks familiar. I mean, I know you've drawn this before, but this time you've included more of the beach, rather than the crumbling walls. I feel like I've seen it somehow."

"Well, I see it in my dreams all the time," Wren shrugged nonchalantly, grabbing the book back from her friend to place it into her sachet. "It's the same picture, over and over again. It's getting repetitive. My mind should come up with something more original."

Susan let out a chuckle, standing up as the two of them started towards the sidewalk outside. The girls hadn't been friends long, not more than three months, actually. But the Pevensie's had been the new kids at school that year, and Wren did her best to make them feel as welcome as possible. She knew what it was like to feel completely and utterly alone. She herself had moved to at least half a dozen schools in her lifetime, and had nobody to greet her or offer friendship. Despite the siblings having each other, Susan seemed to be a bit distant from the rest. And for some reason, Wren felt like she connected to her deeper because of it.

They both tended to prefer being by themselves, but when they were together neither of them seemed to mind. It was the type of friendship that could be sat in complete silence, and still enjoy the other's presence. Wren did quite like the rest of Susan's siblings as well, but she was definitely the closest to the eldest girl, whether it was their shared age or their personalities, she didn't know.

"I've got to get going," Wren announced hesitantly, and Susan shot her a knowing look.

"That time of day again?"

"The store is least packed around this hour," she replied, making the other girl frown.

"You know I don't like you doing stuff like this. You could get caught, and you'd get in a lot of trouble if you did."

"If I had the option, I wouldn't do it at all," she said sharply, before swallowing guiltily when Susan's face fell. "You know that. But, worry not! I'm the queen of stealth. I shall never get caught."

Susan laughed. "You say that now, but if I have to tell your mum to bail you out of jail later, don't tell me I didn't warn you."

Wren scoffed, backing away from her as they started to go their separate ways. "Don't be ridiculous, Susan. We both know my mother would never bail me out of jail. I'll see you later?"

"Bye," Susan lifted her hand in dismissal, and Wren stalked farther and farther down the road that was completely crowded with people, who all seemed to push past her as if she simply didn't exist. It had always been like that, though. Majority of the time, people constantly overlooked her. She had gotten used to that, of course. But the voice in the back of her head always screamed "YOU DON'T BELONG!" And she had to force those thoughts elsewhere. Because whether she liked it or not, she was stuck in England with a deadbeat mother and an actual deceased father.

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