Chapter 5

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                      Roman's pov

"I'm home!" I yell when I enter the door not surprised when I'm greeted by my frantic mother who's perfect straight brunette hair seemed to Stick at odd places from stress.

"Roman prince! Where have you been we've been worried sick. No text, No call, No nothing!" Its probaly a bad time for me to realise just how much my mother reminds me of Mrs weasley from harry potter when she's mad.

"I got caught up in hanging out with some school friends for awhile, I'll send you a text next time promise" she seemed to calm slightly at that and she doesn't even question who I was out with, the perks of being semi-popular at school.

"Well dinner shall be ready soon and your farther has some news for you and your brother before hand, they are both upstairs waiting for you" with that my mother left for the kitchen to presumably continue with dinner.

I head up the stairs and quickly duck into my room to put away my school stuff before walking into my father's office. Remus is there already lounging on the office's sofa reviving multiple glares from my father for doing so, he never really liked Remus's nonchalant attitude.

"Father you wished to tell us something" I state taking a seat beside my brother and movie his feet in the process, there is mud everywhere. Does he ever clean his shoes, probaly not.

"Yes I do!" He says jumping up in his seat and clapping his hands together "You boys remember those group of nuisances that are terrorising our town"

How could I forget, father use to rant about them for hours. I never knew what the big deal even was, they never actually did anyone any harm they just ravenged in bins from time to time. I see more then ever that mabye those 'nuisances' as my father put it are more then meets the eye.

"What about them?" Asked Remus with a subtle glance at me, thankfully my father didn't seem to notice.

"Well we found their hide out and I intended to build our next town project there! Killing two birds, making some money whilst getting rid of the brats!"



"Father are sure about this, they have never actually done anything wrong... most of them" there have been news reports of some of them stealing bits of food but come on they must be starving.

"I've never been more sure Roman, now boys why don't you go and get ready for dinner as I have some important work to finish" Remus and I stood and walked out the room intending to head to our own however as we reach our bedroom doors, which are opposite to one another, Remus turns to me with a knowing grin on his face.

"So you planning on telling father about your little homeless friend?" I only rolled my eyes as if to say 'D you think I ever would'

"Well I could always tell him for you" with that Remus turned to walk into his room only for me to reach out and grab his shoulder

"What do you want Remus?" Of course he wants something, I may love my twin but he'll do anything to get something out of me. So I wish I could say this is the first time he's black mailed me.

"I just wanted to meet him, I know you weren't out with any of your school friends. You were with him" he's not exactly wrong and I guess it's better then anything else he could of asked for.

"Fine it's the weekend tommorow and I'm setting off to meet him at 2:30, that's when I normally meet him. Don't be late" Remus only laughted and gave a swift not before walking into his room and closing the door.

Well todays been eventful to say the least. With nothibg else to do I head into my own room and lay down on my bed and get ready to face time Logan, mabye he'll have some useful advice.

I'll take Remus to meet Virgil tommorow and give him a heads up but what if Virgil hates me, hopefully not... mabye if I just don't say it's me... Yeah I'll do that.


Yet again sorry for the gap between updates I've been busy with school recently and didn't really have time nor inspiration to continue, thanks to all those who are sticking with this story despite the gaps in realese the next chapters soon I promise you that!

Have a wonderful day/night,


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