"Uh... verica? This looks like your area of expertise."
She gives me a soft look and a hand to the chest before passing by me to find her company. Just before she enters a second room she turns.
"Just let me know if your service is to evil."
I ponder and shake my head.
"I dont know."
She nods and enters the room.
"Richard. Come ere"
After hearing my name from the room coming from a gruff voice I sigh. When I enter all three of them are surrounding a crib with what looks to be a bundled baby in it.
"Ah you all found the....what?"
Axe lifts the cloth of the bundle and there's nothing underneath. My eyes just look at the empty crib and the black cloth.
"I think we need to find those children you mentioned... this place is getting more and more... haunted as time goes by."
Verica's voice wavered a moment as she speaks and I just think.
"T...they... were out front when I talked to them... the same way you came bursting in..."
They all look at each other and I start piecing things together as I leave the room. I sit on the bed and start thinking. Verica sits next to me and whispers.
"There wasn't anyone out front when we came. Are you... "
I just nod and when I look up I notice a mirror. It seems oddly placed and just as one of the swordsman passes by it i notice the slight line surrounding the mirror on the wall. Verica follows my look and doesn't seem to see it. As I run my hands over the line I feel a click and the wall slides out. A secret door. A dark stairway up into what I assume an attic.