Galaxy's past.

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Five year old Galaxy's POV

   "Leave and never come back again, you filthy omega!" My so called mom said as she shut the door after tossing out my backpack filled with whatever clothes I had that fit me. I picked it up and put it on after I stood up. I walked off the property and looked back as the gates shut with a metallic slam. "Well, I guess that I better find a place to stay for the night." I said as tears welled up in my eyes and I ran into town.

As soon as I entered the town, everyone there threw hard, cold stones and snowballs filled with broken glass and sharp ice. I continued to run to avoid getting hurt. After I got to a run down part of the town where some high ranking betas and outcasted omegas like me lived, I walked into the park there and sat down to rest. As soon as I heard footsteps coming towards the park, I ran to the nearest tree and climbed up it. I perched on a branch and watched.

Five year old Dabi's POV

   "I thought I saw a person here mommy." "It was probably your imagination darling. Anyways, we should celebrate that the filthy Knight omega is on her way out of the town and we don't have to a space with her ever again." My mother stated as we walked away from the park. "Mommy, why do you and everyone else hate the omega?"
     "The reason why little one is because omegas are considered very inappropriate things with how many heat cycles they go through every month and it happens twice in a month." My mom said as I saw the person I  saw before run past me. We locked eyes and I saw my family's mark appear on the cheek then disappear. "Mommy, was the person who ran by us the one we're celebrating over when we get home?" "Yes darling, now please never ask about her again. She was a disgrace to all high ranks by being born into a family of high ranking alphas and betas."
    I nodded and watched the person disappear. As soon as me and my mom got home, everyone but me celebrated about the omega. I sat in the bay window looking out into the night and thinking about the omega and seeing the mark of my family on her cheek.

Five year old Galaxy's POV

As I ran into the night, I  felt my left cheek sting a lot and I stopped at a clear stream in the forest. I knelt down to my knees by it and saw the Todoroki family mark which is two hearts, one big and one small to represent that they're a big influential family to all like my family is. I sighed and stared a fire by the stream with whatever I can gather that isn't wet or soaked by snow and ice. I tried to keep myself warm for the night and tried to get some rest for the full day of travel to the next town over.

   When morning came, I covered up the evidence of the fire I made last night and walked out to the road. I made a sign to get a ride but every car that passed didn't stop until one did and allowed me to hide in the trunk behind the backseats and I thanked the driver. "You're the Knight omega that got kicked out, huh?" "Yes I am and again thank you for having the compassion to let me hitch a ride with you on your way home in the next town." "Not a problem kiddo. How old are you by the way?" "I'm only five, miss." "You poor kid. Your family kicking you out at such a young age. My ex-husband was kicked out at thirteen for a different reason and speaking about that type of stuff, why did your family kick you out of the town?" "My family kicked me out because being the first and only omega in a family of high ranking alphas and betas ruins the reputation of any family of high rankers. From what I can tell, you're a mid rank alpha who was raised with compassion and possibly raising your kid that way too." I stated as she glanced at me in the rearview mirror. "How did you guess that I have a kid at home?" "The number of seats and the size of the car are obvious factors that  you're a single mom with a small family." I stated and the driver smiled.
   After the driver pulled up to her house slash shop, she parked her car and as I got out and ready to start walking into town, the lady stopped me from doing so. "If you want to and after introductions, would you like to live here with me and my family?" I went wide eyed and nodded a lot. "Yes please, miss! Having a family that cares about me is the one thing I've dreamed about since I could talk. As you know my family isn't the best." "Yeah I can tell since there's visible signs and scars. Anyways, I'm Inko and you are?" He asked with his hand out. "Galaxy, Ms. Inko," I said as I shook her hand.
   "Now, let's get you inside and out of the cold." She said as she grabbed my wrist gently and I  pulled away quickly enough that she noticed and I started to cry and hyperventilate. Through my tear filled eyes, I saw Ms. Inko call for someone and once the person came out and came over to me. The person picked me up, put a fluffy green blanket over me to keep me warm, carried me in, sat down on a rocking chair crisscross, and shushed and calmed me down from the negative adrenaline rush.
     "Are you okay now kid?" The person asked and I shook my head no. "Mom, stay in the shop and away from me and the kid, okay? She's still upset from the memories that rushed back to her from you not grabbing her hand." I heard the person said and Ms. Inko said yes as she went downstairs to the space below and the person started to gently rub my back. After a while, the person asked if I was okay and this time I nodded yes. I looked up and saw who the person was. The person looked like someone I saw on TV. "Mom, you can come up now but approach cautiously in case it overwhelms her, okay." "Okay, Izuku." Ms. Inko said as shewalked over. "So, your name's Izuku?" "Yeah kid, wanna tell me who you are?" "I'm Galaxy." I stated as Ms. Inko came over. "How are you doing, little one?" "I'm doing okay, Ms. Inko. I didn't mean to scare you." "It's fine, honey, you were startled."
   After everything settled down and I  settled in the best I could into my room over in the place and ate dinner with Izuku and Ms. Inko and after everyone was done, I was exhausted and headed off to bed for the night with everyone else.

The love between a high ranking beta and an outcasted omega.Where stories live. Discover now