20 Years later.

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25yo! Galaxy's POV

As I was walking around campus, I felt my cheek that has the Todoroki family mark on it stung and I stopped in place to look around. I then saw the cause. A big group of people were crowding a tall guy. I could tell it was made of all of the high ranking alphas and betas of the school due to the overwhelming scents their pheromones produce. I continued on my way to my next class to get away from the dude. I know that he won't ever get with me because I'm at the bottom end of the food chain here as the only omega who could get in. Sure there's other omegas here, but they're high ranking and didn't have to prove themselves to get in. When I got to class, the stinging stopped but started again as I sat in my seat and the boy from earlier walked in and sat in his seat. 'Why does this guy always have to follow me everywhere I go? Doesn't he have a paparazzi to take care of?' I thought to myself as the teacher came in and looked around the room. Even though it's a big room for two students, it was needed because of the sex craze an omega has. The distance is exactly 12.5 feet apart or more from any high ranking alphas or betas. As class started and after the teacher finished the short lecture on fashion history, I put on some music and  went of drawing out my design for the assignment for the next few days. As soon as I  was finished, the stinging got worse and I hissed in pain as the mark appeared again. I looked over and I was scared so much I fell out of my seat. The guy noticed and started to apologize as he helped me up. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "It's okay, I didn't expect you to end up that close to me." I said as I paused my music and took off my headphones. "That's good and the teacher told us that it's a group project and since we're the only two in this program, we're in a group." "I see and I'm guessing that she didn't know that she put an alpha and omega together." I stated as the boy looked at my cheek. "The mark on your cheek is my family's mark, the Todoroki family mark." The guy stated as he showed me his wrist and it revealed the mark and I went wide eyed and knelt as I was taught to. "It's an honor to work with you, Mr. Dabi Todoroki." I stated as Dabi chuckled. "You don't have to do that, Galaxy. I moved here so I can get away from my family." He said as I stood, shocked as to how he knew my name. "Before you ask how I know your name, it appeared underneath my copy of the mark when I became of age and hasn't left ever since. It's only invisible to others but not me." He said as he walked closer and I blushed a lot. "U-Um you should probably back up, you know the distance rule." "And? You're mine so why should it matter?" Dabi stated as I was backed up to the wall and being pinned to it by him. I opened my mouth and couldn't form words so I squealed, hid my blushing face and slid down the wall, still squealing. He chuckled and picked me up. I blushed more and squeaked in surprise at the sudden loss of contact with the wall and floor. "You're so cute when you're flustered." He said and I silently protested until I could form words. "I'm not cute! Also put me down!" "You are and no, you're a pomeranian puppy compared to me. You really haven't grown since middle school have you?" He said and I blushed more, this time from embarrassment. "You, I, shut up ya giant!" I said as my Irish accent showed. "So the rumor from high school that you did go to Ireland for your junior and senior year was true." He stated and I nodded. "Now shut up, ye giant." "I  don't think I will and today is the day we get our dorm numbers so I'm going to carry you all the way to the teacher because this period, we get our dorm numbers." As if the teacher overheard, she walked over to us and handed the papers that have our dorm numbers. "You two are dorming together since you two are clearly mates due to the marks you both have." "So, you're telling me that my cheek is going to be in pain for the whole school year?" "Unfortunately yes." The teacher stated and  I accepted my defeat. "Mrs. Prings, you do know that the school completely disregarded the distance rule by giving us one bed to sleep on, right?" "Yes and I brought that up with them but they don't care as long as Mx. Galaxy serves the breeding purposes that they have due to society and the school's eugenics program." Mrs. Prings stated as Dabi looked shocked and I lowered my head. "The school put them in it because of them being the first low ranking omega and they hope that they will give birth to more omegas like them so that way the declining omega population can get back to normal and that's the only purpose they serve." Mrs. Prings stated as I could tell that Dabi got enraged. "That's outrageous! They clearly can offer more than their body! You've seen it with your own eyes. I'm going to bring this up with my siblings that are on the board of trustees and see if they agree with the school or not. I sure don't." Dabi stated as he held me closer and I started to cry, happy that I have someone who cares about me for me and not someone who cares about me for my body.

25yo! Dabi's POV

I noticed that Galaxy started to cry and I became worried. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I've never had someone outside of my family care about me for how I am instead of caring about me for my body." Galaxy said as I held them close and hugged them as they clung to me like a koala and hugged me back as they cried. After they finished and wiped away any leftover tears, I decided to kiss them. I gently placed my lips on theirs and kissed them. They kissed back and I smiled softly into it. We pulled away for air and I saw that they were shocked to tears. "You like me back?" "Of course, how could I not love someone like you?" I replied and they hugged me again. I hugged back and kissed their cheek as they let out happy tears. As the bell rang to head off to our dorm, I noticed that the mark stayed on their cheek and if anyone saw it, they would know that Galaxy's mine. As soon as I walked out of the room with Galaxy still in my arms, my 'fans' showed up and noticed that I was carrying my mate. They all clearly got mad and got closer to me and them. They tried to pull Galaxy away from me and I growled in a threatening manner that made them back off. "If any of you come near me or my mate, I'll rip you to shreds before you can find yours." I stated as I left to the shared dorm. Once I arrived at the dorm, I unlocked the door and walked in with a sleeping Galaxy. I closed the door, locked it and put Galaxy in the bed. They whined at the loss of contact with me and I got in as well so that way we can cuddle as they slept. I held them close and smiled as they snuggled close to me. I rested my head on theirs and started to smell their scent. 'They must've entered heat in their sleep.' I thought to myself as they whimpered and clung to me again. I petted them and they leaned into my hand. As if I hit a pleasure nerve or something, Galaxy moaned softly when my hand passed over said spot. They woke up and their cheeks and nose flushed red with blush to signify that they're in heat. "Heat?" I asked and they nodded yes. After they nodded, cat ears, tail, and wings appeared on them. "You're the Knight omega?" I asked and they nodded yes. "My family mistreated me and when I was getting a ride over to this town, I met Inko Midoryia and she adopted me and since then I've been a part of her family." "I remember seeing you in some of her videos despite you being famous in a negative way in our old town, here and everywhere else, you're famous in a positive way. I love the content you make with your mom and brother. Every time I watched their videos with you in it, my eyes always went to you because you're so captivating to look at." I stated as they smiled and snuggled closer as a thanks. "Since we have the rest of the day off, what do you want to do?" I asked and they thought about it. "We can get take out and do some online shopping for more clothes because once I'm in heat, I can barely move." They stated and I agreed to it. I called up my favorite Chinese restaurant and ordered the food as I picked up Galaxy and walked over to the desk. As the call ended, I sat down in the chair and put Galaxy in my lap as I pulled up to the desk. They logged onto the computer and opened up some clothes shop websites. "You can pick out what you want for me and obviously get stuff for yourself." They said as they snuggle up to me and I held them close. I picked out what I wanted first then picked out stuff for Galaxy and also picked out some kinky stuff like maid outfits, lingerie, and more. I went to the website that made custom collar chokers and leashes. I asked Galaxy what their favorite colors are and they said green and purple. I made a custom collar choker and leash using those colors and was satisfied with the end product. After I told Galaxy that I'm done, they paid for everything as the take out person knocked on the door. I picked them up went over to the door, opened it, signed the copy that the restaurant needed, got the food and waved bye as I shut the door. I walked over to the table with Galaxy, set the food down and got all of it out.  I sat down in a chair at the table I set the food on, put them in my lap, and we ate as we watched some Christmas movies on the TV that the school provided. After we finished and threw away the trash, we snuggle up on the couch and continued to watch Christmas movies. After a while, Galaxy and I fell asleep.

The love between a high ranking beta and an outcasted omega.Where stories live. Discover now