Christmas. (TW: Slurs, swearing, abuse.)

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Galaxy's POV/

When Dabi and I woke up, I looked over at the Christmas tree and saw presents from Santa Claus. I got excited and went over to the tree. We sorted out the presents and showed each other what we got. After we put up what we got, there was a knock on the door and I answered it. I saw my old family and before I could react, my mother pulled me out by my hair and threw me to the ground. "You fucking whore! Dabi is supposed to be your sister's mate! Now she's mateless! What do you have to say for yourself?!" "I'm sorry I'll stop loving him," I said as I felt myself go emotionally numb. My mom hit me and the rest of my family joined in. After my family left, Dabi went over to me, picked me up, and rushed me to the hospital. When I was at the hospital, my brother's friend, Iida, saw me and had Dabi rush to the ER with him as he called Izuku and Mom. I felt myself getting sleepy and didn't know that it was a bad sign. "Shit, Izuku hurry. They're losing blood fast. Mr. Todoroki keep them awake for as long as you can." Iida stated as I look up at Dabi. "Dabi, if I die, don't mourn over me. I probably wasn't or will be the best for you." "No, Galaxy, babe don't say that I love you too much to go looking for someone else." I was shocked to hear that but it didn't show because I was too numb. When we entered what appeared to be an operating room, I let what needs to be done happen. After a while, I woke up in the ICU and turned my head to see my family and Dabi. I smiled a little and everyone was overjoyed that I was alive. "Who did this to you my star?" Izuku asked me and I looked down. "Mom, call Asui and have her arrest the Knight family for child neglect and child abuse," Izuku stated and mom did so. Dabi, Izuku, and mom hugged me and I hugged them back, tears flowing down my cheeks. After that was over and dinner was eaten, Dabi was allowed to stay with me. When bedtime came, I fell asleep when Dabi held me protectively. When morning came, I was greeted with breakfast and the TV in the room on the news. "At 11:50 pm last night, the world's most famous crime family was finally caught. The Knight' Omega is in the hospital recovering from one of the vicious beatings. It's such a shame that The Knight' Omega was one of their own but was outcasted by them at 5 years of age and has been living with the Midoryia family ever since. It's good to know that they found a family who loves them." As the news story played, I smiled and Dabi hugged me and I hugged back, happy that my family is in jail.

Dabis POV

After breakfast was eaten and Galaxy was discharged, we left and went home to the dorm. When we got there, my family was waiting for me and Galaxy to get there. "Mx. Midoryia, are you okay? We saw the news and rushed over as fast as we could." My mom asked Galaxy as she looked them over. "I'm fine Mrs. Todoroki, nothing serious but a few bumps and bruises." "That's a lie Galaxy, you were bleeding out," I stated as my mom hugged them and my family hugged them as well. I smiled and unlocked the door. I let everyone else in first then me and Galaxy walked in. After everyone settled down, I made Galaxy take their heat meds then we snuggled together on the couch. "So, what happened that put your mate in the hospital?" "Their family came over and when they answered the door, their mom pulled them out by their hair and said that they stole the eldest daughter's mate which was apparently me but I could tell that the mark was faked," I explained to my family as Galaxy slept. As Galaxy slept and they snuggled closer to me, I petted their head and their ears, tail, and wings appeared. My family looked shocked and asked me about it. "From what their brother's friend, Iida said when we were at the hospital, they have a gene that allows them to have a half-animal form," I said as they whimpered in their sleep. It continued and I woke them up. "Are you okay, love?" "Night terror," they responded and I became worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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