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warnings: language, reader has a lil bit of dumb bitch disease (okay maybe more than a lil bit, forgive me), mild angst, mild fluff, but that's about it! for now :)

"I'm gonna die."

"You're not gonna die."

"I am so gonna die."

Spider-Man let out a laugh, his shoulders shaking a little as he attached the last clasp of the webshooter onto your wrist. "I promise you won't die. I'd catch you if you fall, anyway."

"Gee, thanks."

"But you won't," he promised, dropping his hands once you had the shooters on securely. "Want to do a test shoot?"

"Um, I guess?"

"Don't sound so nervous about it, you're gonna do great! This suit looks so cool, even if you face plant at least you'll do it in style!"

"You're great at this motivational speaking thing," you said sarcastically, giving him a dirty look while he snickered.

The suit didn't feel as cool as it looked. You were still getting used to the tight material, and trying to keep the hood secure was also a pain - but you found clips and managed to make it stay on your hair. The red half mask was also something to get used to, since you felt a little muffled by it, but you were sure Spider-Man had it worse since his covered his entire face.

It had been a few days since he gifted it to you, and this was the first time you were meeting with him to officially start your superhero-ing.

"Press here to shoot," his finger moved over the button now on your palm, "Let go to release. Simple."

"Okay," you said, still sounding unsure.

You pressed it without thinking, and shot a web directly at his mask.

"Oh my God," you covered your mask where your mouth was, trying not to laugh. "I am so sorry."

"You're supposed to be aiming for a building, not me," he grunted, but you could hear a smile in his voice as he ripped the web off his mask.

"Sorry, sorry," you couldn't help but laugh a little as he struggled to get it off, "I got ahead of myself."

"This time, aim for that building just across the way," he pointed to the nearest one, which was still at least a few hundred feet away, and taller than the one that you were currently standing on. You gulped.

"Maybe now isn't the best time to mention that I'm kind of weird about heights," you let out a nervous chuckle, seeing his masked eyes squint. "I mean, I'm sure I'll get used to it and maybe the bite got rid of that fear or...something."

That didn't seem very convincing.

" you want me to swing you around first?" His suggestion made you pause, "You don't have to jump right into it, I shouldn't have forced that one you right away...why don't we go together the first time?"

"That might be a good idea," you tried not to sound too relieved.

"Awesome," you could tell he grinned by the way his mask shifted, and he held an arm out to you, "I won't go crazy, I promise. Low swinging and no sharp turns. You're gonna love it!"

You nodded, "Okay. Should I just-?"

He answered for you by wrapping his arm around your waist and tugging you against him, "Hold tight!"

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