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warnings: oh I made the illusions so much worse for no reason because I thrive off making sad scenes worse than they need to be. language, angst, fighting, injuries, character death technically (yikes), mentions of death and dead characters. fun right!

italics are flashbacks

Fury found you both before you had to try and find him. After an uncomfortable ride in his van, you were both shuffled into his secured base, meeting with him and Maria Hill in a room by themselves.

Peter did most of the explaining, pulling out the projector and putting it on the table in front of them. They both exchanged a look while you stuck close to Peter. Something hadn't felt right since you got in the van, but Peter hadn't seemed to notice, so you didn't say anything.

"So all the destruction we witnessed came from...this?" Fury gestured to the projector, and Peter shook his head.

"We think he's using drones, too."

"This means Beck's really dangerous," Fury rubbed his chin as Hill walked toward the window, crossing her arms. "We need to be smart. Who else did you tell about this?"

Suddenly you got a chill, and you made eye contact with Peter at the same time, not even hearing Fury repeat the question. You should've trusted your gut earlier.

"He's here," you said, eyes widening.

"What?" Fury demanded, hesitantly reaching for his gun.

"It's Beck, he's-" Peter got caught off as the room suddenly materialized, the whole layout shifting.

"What the-" Fury's voice cut off as a gunshot rang out and he yelled out in pain, and you and Peter both slid your masks on as he fell against the table.

The room finally completely vanished and you realized it had been fake the whole time - now you were both in an abandoned parking garage, and you weren't even sure if you were actually in Berlin or not. A drone appeared behind where Fury was, and it starting ringing out shots again, but you and Peter jumped down onto the ground floor.

"Shit!" You cried out as you slammed against the ground, Peter groaning at the same time. You thought it was only one floor, but it went on way longer, and now your ankle was screaming in pain.

"Wow, guys," Beck's voice rang out while you both struggled to get up. "I thought we were close, especially you, Peter. Fury always had to die. But not you two!"

Drones were surrounding you and Peter as you both stood back to back, and you tried not to panic as laser beams pointed at various spots on your body.

"Stop hiding, Beck!" Peter demanded, and he tried to shoot a web at one of the drones, but it turned invisible.

"I tried to make you walk away," Beck continued as all the drones turned invisible, and your surroundings went black instead of showing the parking garage. "But you're both making me do this!"

Walls slammed down around you both, same with light fixtures and lockers. It was weird to realize that you were both being put into your high school, but the surroundings were still dark and green mist started pouring into the hallway, giving it a creepier vibe.

"Peter, you told me you and Y/N were just kids, that you just wanted to enjoy your trip," Mysterio's figure appeared in full costume at the end of the hall, walking toward you both.

You tried to shoot a web at him but all that came from your shooters was green smoke, and he vanished anyway.

"I thought you were going to run after that girl?" Mysterio's voice sneered, and you both heard MJ's voice scream for help from the end of the hallway doors.

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