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warnings: angst, jake gyllenhaal is a liar, language, yall know the drill

"What the hell happened last night?" Were MJ's first words to you the next morning when the class had gathered for breakfast.

It was only a few hours ago that you had left Peter on that rooftop, and you didn't sleep at all when you were back to your hotel room. Not that you had much time if you wanted to, anyway, since the class was meant to be up early to head for Paris.

But you knew that plan was going to have to change if Fury needed you and Peter in Prague.

"Nothing," you shrugged, shaking your head. "Just gave Peter shit for running off yesterday, that's all."

"You haven't talked to him in months," MJ said flatly, not buying it, "And you were gone the whole night. Was it something to do with Silk-"

"Don't want to talk about it right now, MJ," you interrupted her, in case anyone was listening.

Fury hadn't lied when he said he would find a way to get you and Peter to Prague without alerting your classmates. Your teacher chaperones had magically gotten funds and a ride up to the city from Venice. It was a long one, but soon enough you were all shuttled into a bus that was conveniently provided by the tour group company, though you seriously doubted that after taking one look at the driver.

You hadn't talked to Peter since early that morning, and you didn't plan to until you both got to Prague. He was sitting in the back messing with something, but you pretended not to care. It was probably whatever it was that Tony Stark had left for him.

Brad had squeezed himself in between you and MJ and was taking up the whole time on the bus to talk with her, which you found a little bit funny.

"Alright, bathroom breaks!" One of your teachers announced as the bus came to a stop in some town in Austria. You glanced at your phone and saw a message from an unknown number that told you to go to one of the buildings.

Once everyone was shuffled off the bus, you made eye contact with Peter and nodded toward the building. He went with you after checking to make sure no classmates noticed.

"Got the text?" You asked as he neared by, and he nodded. "What do you think it is?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, and you followed him into the building, shutting the door behind you.

There was a woman in a stealth outfit sitting with two cases at a table, and she stood up when you both came in.

She stared at you both for a second before holding out the two cases. When you both opened them, you saw that they were new suits. You took yours out carefully, not liking the design as much as the one Peter gave you, but it would do. The black would definitely help you blend in.

"Try it on, now," she said in a heavy accent, and you exchanged a look with Peter.

"Can we not wait until-"

"Now!" She cut you off, making Peter jump as he took his shirt off.

"I am not changing right now-" You protested again, making Peter also hesitate.

"Fine, but try on before tonight," the woman huffed, taking her things and leaving. You stared blankly at Peter, who was still paused with his shirt in his hands.

"Dude, put your shirt back on," you said with an eye roll, turning for the door but freezing when it opened first.

"Oh whoa, uh," Brad stuttered looking at shirtless Peter behind you and then you, his eyes widening. "Um. I thought this was a bathroom..."

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