Don't Forget to Breath. (Tommy)

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"What the shit is all this?!" A voice echoed throughout the ravine. Wilbur was home. Tommy hopped up and down in excitement turning to the past president happy to show the work he had gotten done while Wilbur was away gathering materials with Techno.

"I decorated the place!" his smile was bright, the brightest it had been since the exile- though they didn't seem to notice, "I wanted to make this place feel more like a home-" Tommy began before being cut off.

"It looks like shit." Hissed Wilbur glaring at the younger, "You've just created more work for me and Techno because now we have to clean this up." Techno gazed at the younger almost seeing the heartbreak in his eyes before the teen looked down in defeat.

"I-I'll clean it up you don't have to..." muttered Tommy pulling out his pickaxe and beginning to chip away at the diamonds he had scattered around the place before being pushed to the ground with Wilbur standing above him, a sneer plastered on his face.

"Nah, you're just a useless child after all," Wilbur laughed at his own cruel joke making Tommy's eyes begin to tear up, "Go do something useful for once," the elder said glaring daggers into him.

Tommy gazed at Techno in defeat, looking for some sort of comfort. When the pink-haired male merely turned away he got up walking away till he had hit a turn in the ravine to where they could no longer see him. Crouching down against the wall he put his face in his hands rubbing his eyes trying not to cry. He just wanted to help, make this place feel like home... no... he just screwed everything up. Like usual. What is something useful he wouldn't be able to screw up then? He could make something... yeah! A vault for their valuables- with lots of complicated piston doors!

Tommy stood up turning to the wall he had been leaning against and beginning to dig his way into the wall after a while stopping. It was big enough to start on the piston doors now. He ran back into the main part of the ravine shuffling through a few chests before running back to the 'vault' in progress. 

Techno gazed at the boy skeptically taking a small break from removing the boy's previous 'decorations'. Tommy looked determined once more, he must have found a project to work on. The pvper sighed before turning away from the boy and chipping away at the wall once more.


Tommy narrowed his eyes at his creation in progress. He had placed the pistons where he thought they went- but the door wasn't working even after he placed down the redstone... oh! He had forgotten to place the power source- what would work... maybe a redstone block? 

Clambering over his machine he stood next to the piston carefully placing the redstone block, watching the trail of redstone dust he left light up before letting out a pained cry as he was forced against the wall. 

The piston he had been standing next to had, of course, been set off- it pushed his legs against the wall effectively trapping him. He tried to move but let out a whimper of pain, this wasn't good...


Techno's head shot upwards quickly as he heard the cry. It was obviously Tommy, nobody else was in the ravine right now. Wilbur shot a questioning look at Techno before they both rushed around the corner and into a small passageway that Tommy had most likely dug out. 

Wilbur let out a snort as he saw his younger brothers legs trapped by the piston before letting out an actual laugh. The child had managed to get himself stuck.

"W-Wilbur help!" Tommy cried to his older brother peering up at the taller male who just gazed down at him with a sneer.

"How the hell did you get yourself stuck?!" the past president laughed ignoring Tommy's request, "I mean- you sure as hell did it yourself-" Wilbur snickered at the younger who was gazing up at Wilbur, the fear and pain obvious in his eyes though Wilbur didn't seem to notice.

"Techno?" Tommy whispered gaze shifting to the man leaning on the wall behind Wilbur. The pinkette merely seemed to shrug at this before straightening and walking away.

"Hah!" Wilbur laughed seeing Techno leave "Love that guy- very funny." a cruel smile was plastered on his lips "Anyways, I say this is a fair way to learn your lesson," Wilbur blinked slowly before backing away and closing off the exit. 

The only way oxygen was getting in. The only way he hadn't been panicking. Being able to know people could hear him. He let out a blood curdeling scream at this. But it was no use anymore. His voice wouldn't travel through stone. 

Desperately he clawed at the blocked up exit, breath quickening. He couldn't panic. He needed to conserve oxygen. But damn was it hard to conserve oxygen when he was trapped. They knew he was claustrophobic- they had grown up together for Christ's sake! Why did they just leave him here...?

His fingers were bleeding. Nails bent back from clawing at the walls in desperation. His desperate scratches growing weaker and weaker before he eventually stopped. 

How long had it been at this point? Probably only a few seconds... minutes at most. His fingers hurt like hell- but his legs hurt more. Why hadn't they come to get him? It was his fault- Tommy himself. He had been stupid enough to try and decorate. He deserved this.

Tommy opened his mouth to try call out for help again, but he couldn't breath? Oh god... he must have been in here longer then he had thought. Desperately trying to gulp in air but there was no oxygen left- he was going to die... 

But it didn't matter.

He was just weighing them down.

He deserved this.


"Hows he doing?" Wilbur questioned stopping to stand in front of Techno who had been hanging out outside where Tommy was trapped for at least an hour.

"Haven't heard any signs of struggle for at least half an hour," Techno replied shrugging "Probably figured out that it was smarter to conserve oxygen," Wilbur smiled at this, it seemed a bit cruel what they were doing to their brother- but he sure as hell wasn't gonna object.

"Maybe he finally learned his lesson?" Wilbur mused blinking calmly.

"Who learned his lesson?" said a voice from the left of Techno. He turned spotting Phil standing in front of their nether portal.

"Oh! Phil you're back- how was nether busting?" Wilbur smiled at their father who just had a very confused look on his face.

"Yeah- it was good. Now who learned his lesson?" Their father responded while at the same time removing items from his inventory to place in the chest.

"Tommy," Wilbur said with a look on his face like he had smelled something vile "We trapped him inside a little cave- the gremlin kept bothering us." Phil seemed to freeze at this before whipping around wings tensed.

"Where?!" The bird hybrid almost cried out, to which Wilbur, very confused mind you, pointed to the wall Techno was leaning against "Let him out!" Phil screeched glaring directly at Techno, sending a shiver down his spine- he immediately began digging his way back to their younger brother, "Hes claustrophobic you idiots! How could you forget?!" Phil's eyes were welling up with tears.

Techno broke through finally to see Tommy laying limp, legs twisted at an awkward angle, fingers caked in blood, fingernails bent backwards, and dust covering his hair. 

Phil pushed Techno out of his way rushing past, kicking the piston back and dragging Tommy out of stuffy cave. Wilbur gazed down at the bloody and beaten frail looking child below him. Techno rushed out after Phil who was immediately bending down to listen for a heartbeat. Wilbur and Techno stood to the side. Waiting. Praying. Hoping.

Phil let out a sob and clutched the limp child closer to him. He... no. No he couldn't be dead- they had to do something- they-

Wilbur looked to Techno who seemed to be frozen in shock, tears streaming down his cheeks. That was weird, the usually emotionless warrior crying. But he understood why. Their younger brother had died. And it was their fault. That was probably Tommy's last thought before his unfortunate demise... how it was his older brothers fault. How wrong they were.

(Just updating the title don't get excited)

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