Chapter 1

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There I was, on the back of my kidnappers back trying to strangle him, my best friend hugging his ankle with all her might as he fumbled around trying to escape our grasp. Two of my captors trying to aid him, one with his arms around my waist trying to pry me off him like a leach. The other on the ground with my friend in a struggle to unwrap her arm off his leg as if she was a sloth on a tree. Yeah, bet you are wondering how we got in these positions. Well let me start from the beginning.

The cold breeze made me shiver, wrapping my jacket tightly around my body, attempting to keep warm. Making my way, with my best friend Emily, down to roses dinery. We had just finished finals and was celebrating months of torture and sleepless nights.

"Emily, I think I might die of hypothermia" I whined, " why couldn't we take you car?"

"Because, it's only a couple minute walk and you and my friend are being dramatic. '' She tucked her thick ass hair behind her ears as the wind blew around us. Honestly, I knew she lost her glasses and didn't want to admit to it.

"It's your fault if I die" I hit her shoulder and she rolled her eyes and made no comment.

She stopped suddenly causing me to bump into her back, " You can stop complaining cuz we have made it to our destination" she raised her arms and gestured to a cozy looking restaurant.

"I still don't understand why they called this a diner" I shook my head as I made my way into the warm building.

We were quickly seated and handed menus, " I think I might get some soup, the cord chowder here looks appetizing" I was basically starving from hunger.

" well I'm gonna get a burger and fries, and no you cannot have some" I shut my mouth.

We sat on our phone while waiting for our food to arrive. I could feel the stare on the back of my head and out of curiosity I glanced behind me. Three men sat at a table, one staring directly at me. Startled, I turned back to face Emily and began to hit her shoulder.

"You know, there's other ways to get my attention than being abusive" She groaned and rubbed her shoulder.

"Dude there's a dude staring at me" I glanced behind to see his eyes still boring and threw the back of my head.

" so? You are gorgeous, a lot of guys stare" She shrugged her should, eyes not moving from

her phone, " hey did you see that bts released a new video"

" Dude there are more important things going on right now, Like this dude" I whispered aggressively.

"Stop freaking out" She glanced up and looked behind me, "oh, I see what you mean, he does be cute though" she shamelessly started.

"Its creepy" I complained, "He looks like he wants to devour me"

" And that's a bad thing because?" She raised her eyebrows and I had to restrain myself from hitting her, "oh shit, his friend is staring now too"

I looked behind me to see his buddy now staring, but not at me, at Emily. I could see her get uncomfortable but she masked it and went back on her phone, "so you are just going to ignore it?"

"Im too lazy to care Casey" She scrolled with a dramatic swipe. I finally let it go and we proceeded on with our dinner. I did occasionally look behind me to see what they were doing. Though they weren't looking at us I could still feel the occasional look on the back of my head. We finished up quick and I rushed to leave, my nerves were everywhere and I just wanted to get to the safety of our apartment.

Jumping on my bed, I could finally relax knowing I would never have to see those guys again.

Yup, if only I knew how wrong I was.

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