Chapter 2

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I strolled through the town, airpods in and feeling badass, though I did look like a hobo. Black jeans, vans, and a oversized jacket with a black tank top didn't exactly seem fashionable, but i was comfy and that's all that mattered. I had my favorite playlist playing, yoongi rapping in mic drop. I glanced around, because you know, adhd be like that, and stopped with wide eyes. There stood across the street, a bts pop up store. I gasped in excitement and ran across the road, not really paying attention to the cars, and strolled into the store. Through all my excitement I missed the man lurking in the shadow, well I guess I can't say that if he's standing under the light by the entrance, but you know, the details don't really matter. I purchased a bt21 pillow and texted Emily about, what she would call, "reckless spending". I yet again missed the stare of the man who did begin to follow me. Yeah I'm not the most observant. I did however call Emily to ask if she wanted to meet at chipotle and that's when I noticed the man behind me. I didn't really think too much about it until I made a couple turns that he made with me.

"Dude, I think someone is following me" I whispered into the phone and glanced behind.

" Are you sure? Where are you? " I could hear her worry.

" I'm near the bakery" It was still freaking cold.

" Just stay on the phone with me" Yeah like that was going to save me. I looked behind me to see that he was no longer there. I let out a sigh of relief and told Emily to worry no more. Yeah, did not last too long. Me being stupid took a turn into an alley, yeah classic move in a horror movie I know. Emily complained as well when I told her, but there was a ladder I wanted to climb.

I walked up to it and put my airpods in to keep Emily on the line. I could hear netflix going on in the background. It was all fun and games, climbing up the rusty and unstable bars, until I felt a hand on my ankle yanking me down. To say I had a heart attack was an understatement. I could hear Emily's concern over the line as I let out a squeak type of sound. I thought I was gonna fall to my death even though I had only made it up 5 bars. Before I could make it to the ground and dirty up my clothing, arms wrapped around my torso and caught me sending us both to the concrete. On the brightside, whoever it was who sent me to my doom, took the brunt of the fall. Though that did mean I was in his grasp. Luckily I have a brother and was able to tuck and roll out of my captors grasp. I Quickly got up attempted by escape but I did not make it that far. They had yet again grabbed my ankle sending me back to the ground and this time there wasn't anything to cushion my fall. My AirPods long gone and my connection to my best friend with it. I mourned that loss as I struggled to escape the grip. I know what yall are thinking, I should be screaming my head off, but honestly, I didn't think to do that.

"Will you stop struggling?" said the man as he pulled me towards him, and let me tell you, it was no water slide, that shit hurt. He managed to get on top of me.

"What do you think I'm going to do you kidnapper" I began to kick and roll around but I didn't last too long. He sat himself up taking me with him and pulled me against his chest, pinning me against him with one arm. Sometimes it sucks to be a stick. With the other hand, he grabbed a cloth and brought it to my face and covered my mouth and noise. I held my breath as long as I could until instinct kicked in and my body pretreyed me and I took a deep breath. Me being stubborn tried to refuse passing out but it wasn't long until things went dark. At least I'll get a nice ass nap from this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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