chapter three

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        "dad?' i asked obviously knowing the answer, but what do you say to the man who abandoned you and your family.

        "nina." he said, as if he was almost relived. he extended his arms, like hes was practicing this moment since he got the news we were coming. "you've grown so much." he said with a goofy smile on.

        "you develop a little in the first 16 years of life." i snap back. that wiped the smile clear off his face. he opened his mouth to respond, but i could feel a light laugh behind me.

        "hi dad." george said extending his hand. i crossed my arms and let a small smirk rest on my lips, the glassy look in my dads eyes could show he knew he was out numbered.

        "ah george, you've turned into a wonderful young man." our dad seemed to be almost admiring george. "now help your old man put these bag on the cart." he said as he began to lift our bags and place them onto the cart. he was your typical suburban dad, tall, fit, and he had a large bald spot in the middle of his had. he had brown hair that looked mike it had recently been shaven and he looked like he was in his earl 50's.

        "lets go nins." george yelled from halfway down the hallway, i pulled my head out of the clouds and put my backpack strap over my shoulder and ran down the hallway. 

        "are you guys hungry?" my dad asked. i groaned because i know george is always hungry. 

        "actually, yeah." george said.

        "shocker." i slurred back. "do you guys at least have chick-fil-a?" i asked, i've always had a strange love for chick-fil-a, even though fast food repulsive me.

        "yes we have chick-fil-a nina, this isn't another country." my dad laughed.

        "i read somewhere, that places with a lot of farm animals don't have fast food, they have quality fancy resturaunts." i stated, i did read that on tumblr but im not sure if i can rely on my followers, they can be evil.

        "i can assure you that it will be some of the best chik-fil-a you've ever tasted." my dad bragged.

        "don't lie to her about her chik-fil-a." laughed george. i smirked and put my head down. we walked through the airport and got to the dark parking garage. the air was thick and smelled natural, you could tell they hadn't developed factory smog yet. 

        "we'll go home first then we can go to chik-fil-a for dinner." my dad said. he pulled the tail down from his truck. figures he would have a truck, but it was a nice truck, new, so i didn't complain.

        "sounds good." george said. ok, i'll admit it, this guy isn't half bad. nice truck, not addicted to drugs.

        "when we get to the house, you guys can choose rooms, there's 2 upstairs and one in the basement, the one in the basement is purple, so i figured nina would probably settle in there." my dad started to explain the house. "there's a bathroom in the basement, so you won't have to wake up and walk upstairs."

        "that sounds really nice." i smiled, "i've always wanted a basement bedroom." i wasn't lying, i have actually always wanted a tumblr bedroom. im going to decorate it with pretty twinkle lights, and hang my cameras on pretty command hooks. 

        "well, im glad that you'll enjoy that.' he said. i smiled while him and george rambled on in the seats. i texted my mom, just to make sure everything was alright, she was probably drunk, high or getting laid, but i still wanted to make sure he's alright. "nina, put your phone away and look at the wonderful landscape." my dad said.

        "all i see is grass." i said as i peered out the foggy window. it was true all there was there was grass.  when you looked out the window, all you saw was grass for miles. you couldn't tell for sure through the fog, but i think there are mountains of in the distance, i've always wanted to hike through the mountains. the car ride was tranquil for the rest of the way, but you tell that we were not yet familiar with each other.

         "so dad, do you have a girlfriend?" george asked.

        "no, not at the moment, i've been on a few dates, but now that i have my own company, i don't really have time to search." dad explained.

        "what exactly do you do dad?" i asked from the back seat, it felt weird asking, but i honestly didn't know.

        "im a lawyer, well was, i've just been promoted so now im in charge of the law firm itself." he said while tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. i don't know why, but i couldn't seem to believe him.


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