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^I soooo didn't delay update jUST so that I can do dat no noooo....


There was a slow beat in the club, a translucent bass pulsing, which forced the shivering blonde's own fluttering heartbeat to follow; slow and agonising.

"Say, dollie," a cavernous voice rumbled besides Atsumu's ear in the darkness; he flinched slightly, "Want me to take you home? Where we can prolong this little... fun time of ours."

Atsumu felt goosebumps engulf his bare body as a gust of cold air snaked in the dark chamber, where the young Raven had been blindly led.

"C-can't we just finish it here?" The slight wavering in his feeble voice gave away his panic. For the hundredth time he tried to pull his hands free, but the rope binding them was too tight.

"Ahh.... but I crave the comfort of my own home, dollie." A slight pressure travelled up Atsumu's thigh indicated the predator's intent.

Atsumu resisted the urge to kick his hand off and instead, he softly gasped, going along with it. He made himself appear pleased, craving more, when in reality he was disgusted and terrified.

"So, how long exactly do I have to keep them distracted?" Astumu had asked his faction leader, Sakusa one last time before heading out, the club a street into view, it's diamond lights tantalisingly tempting; as if calling them in, but the all knew what it really was, what they really intended to do there.

He had been nervous the whole time about the mission but talking to the curly-haired man made him feel better; safe even.

"At least an hour; plus half, even better." Sakusa had said.

"Ok, ok."

Sakusa had looked at the blonde long and hard, taking in the way he fiddled with his fingers.

"Don't worry," he'd said, "I'll try to finish it quickly for you. Just keep tight, we won't be long." Was what Sakusa had said.

Astumu gulped at the feeling of bile up his throat.

"I promise."

Omi-kun promised, surely, he'll come. I just need to keep it up.

It had only been forty-five minutes, but it was forty-five minutes too long for the blonde, who now squirmed in his seat, his legs slowly being spread apart.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good dollie..."

There was a hand up his thigh, dangerously treading close. The blonde couldn't hold back anymore, he whined and gasped, fighting the urge to yell.

It's okay, It's okay, It's okay, It's okay-

Ah, there it was, the final straw. He shivered again, trying to cut off his senses to his lower body, but he knew it was futile no matter how much he prayed.

You've been through worse 'Tsumu, you've endured worse, just calm down-

In his desperate attempts to mentally convince himself of the normalcy of the situation, a pair of cold lips collided against his, savagely devouring, the predator's tongue slid in, forcing Atsumu's submission.

He had no choice but to  persist.

Omi-kun, Omi-kun, Omi-kun, where are you?

Why did you leave me?

There was a wetness threatening to spill out of his eyes underneath the dark blindfold of his, yanking at his heartstrings so hard it physically hurt him, he choked and moved his head to the side, forcing the kiss to break.

But the other didn't stop; he demanded his payment in full and went full on persecution. Atsumu felt helpless.

Help me! Please, help me! Sakusa-

A rapid knock made the two in the lone room jump, then the door opened, behind the thin veil that concealed his sight, Atsumu could see light, and a thin figure's shadow.

Omi-kun, he's here....

A small grin crept up in his face, relief plunging into his soul nearly knocking his breath out. He once again futilely struggled against the bounds in his hands, but the next words spoken by the stranger made him freeze.

"They've taken the bait," said an unrecognisable voice, "I have a privy escort for you waiting outside, boss."


Astumu stopped breathing, frantically trying to register the words just spoken.

"I'm sorry dollie, I intend on leaving with you without your little friends."

Terror flooded Atsumu's thoughts and his lower lip quivered, desperate to rip his arms out of the ropes, he felt a callous hand on his cheek, a dangerous caress.

Astumu felt a warm dampness behind the mask; he wept, shamelessly out of hysteria.

"Oh, don't cry baby doll." The sickening voice dipped down right next to his ear, "You're mine now."




Rape/ Sexual abuse is truly traumatising and can take several years to get over, heck, one might not even get over it at all. It's a sickening experience that doesn't leave your mind and it feels as if you've lost everything; your innocence and your whole life and future.

This book is not written to promote such behaviour, I only wanna add suspense and warn other ppl of the dangers of.... perverts. Please, if you've been through such terrifying incidents do not hesistate to talk it out. Personally speaking I've had an alarming number of moments in my childhood like this and I still haven't gotten over it, but I'm trying. By the time I realised what had happened to me, it was too late and I realised I'd lost everything. It doesn't help comparing the degree of what happened or who did it, it's ultimately the victim who feels the pain and no one else.

It's a very disgusting and scary thing (i still have panic atttacks to this day) so please, please, please talk to me or anyone if you've been through this, trust me talking can really help. I could go on about this for days but since this is getting really dark and serious lemme show y'all smthn:

 I could go on about this for days but since this is getting really dark and serious lemme show y'all smthn:

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*clears throat* *in suga*

Don't worry about it sugar~


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