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I wanna thank every1 for being patient with my fcked up updates and still holding onto this very weird story, i love all my readers very very VERY much i mean it u mean za world to me😘😘😘

Now time for angst-😗


Atsumu could never be still; he always had to be moving, always pacing, he was always on the move - it was his nature, it was what defined him.

The cheery Atsumu, the optimistic sly agent who was always in a tier that was hard to reach by everyone else, with a headstrong motive and a tacky way of achieving it, he was talented and devoted in his tasks - Atsumu was almost the best.

And yet....

The same blond was now in his bed, immobilised, so it was Sakusa who had taken the role of restlessness, agitation.

He was a little away from his bed, hand on his face which was etched deep in concentration. He paced again, dark and slender legs moving about the length of the room, stalking around the anxious blond.

Atsumu raised his head, and briefly catching Sakusa's eyes. The contact sent shivers down his spine.

"S-sorry Omi-kun, I tried getting as much info as possible but-"


Great, 'Tsumu, now he's pissed at you.

Another long pause and Atsumu scrunched his face in itching anticipation. "Don't you remember anything else?" Sakusa prodded.


Of course...

Sakusa wasn't mad at Atsumu; far form it, he couldn't find a way to be pissed - he could only muster up emotions of regret and depression. Mostly on behalf of the blond.

Sakusa neared Atsumu's bed, he raised his hand to the blond's head, trying for a gesture of affection.

A look of pure fear crossed the blond's face and he flinched, moving away as far as possible in a brief second.

Sakusa stilled, not pulling his hand back. He registered the look of terror on his agent's face; Atsumu's wide, red eyes, the way he paled.

A little tendril of rage unfurled in him,  the first emotion that whipped coldly within him.

"Atsumu," Sakusa started, making his voice as smooth as possible, "Are you.... Alright?"

Leveled breathing was all that filled his room after that question.

Am I alright?

"Y-yeah... of course."

Then why? Why did I feel like exploding?

"Then why," inquired the curly male, "Why did you look so troubled? So... pained."

The blond just looked ahead, swallowing thickly over and over again as if after each try, maybe- just maybe, the feeling of overwhelming despair might go away.

But it didn't and that made him feel worse.

Atsumu breathed out, a painful exhale that sounded more like a sob.

Keep it in, keep it in-

Keep it all in, just like you always have.


Just like you have been doing since the beginning-

"I hate it."


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