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You are driving your car on your way back home from a solo trip.
The road is very slippery due to the snow.

It's evening already, you want to reach home soon so you're driving as fast as you can. The road is surrounded by trees.
Suddenly a boar comes running in front of your car.
You apply brakes but your tyres still skids due to the layer of snow covering the road. You turn your wheel to avoid the boar and your car hits a tree instead.

Thankfully you're not injured because of air bags in your car. Smoke starts to come out from your car engine so you just come out of the car.

You look around, there's nothing around only trees and bushes.
You keep staring at your car and the smoke turns into flames.
You look into your phone and it has no signals.

Now there's no way you can go back home. You just keep walking in the road in a hope to reach somewhere, but you know the nearest town is still around 80 km far.

The sun goes down it keep getting dark and your hand and feets starts getting numb.
You've walked around 10 km and don't have energy to move further.

Your body is getting numb. You start to think maybe you won't reach anywhere.
The snow start falling down suddenly and it's even more freezing now.
It wasn't supposed to snow according to weather forecast, You would've reached by now if there wasn't a fucking boar.

You  start regretting everything in your life.
Why only once, only once when you took a break from work this shit happened.
For the first time in your life you went on a trip, that too on a solo one because you don't have anyone who'd go with you.
You were a nerd back in school and are a workaholic now.
Why you never went to clubbing, or a night out with friends.
Why haven't you dated anyone yet. Why you haven't kissed anyone yet.

Your lips turns blue due to cold, you can't feel your legs. You faint on the road.

"Hey miss, wake up, you can die here" you hear an angelic voice.
You open up your eyes and see a handsome man trying to wake you up.

He rubs your hands and then he lifts you up.

'Where am I' you ask as you open up your eyes. It's a small wooden room with no bed, nothing at all. Just floor and walls made of wood and roof of tin. All you see is a man rubbing your feets.

'I don't know, I saw you freezing . I looked around, and This is the only place I found in this forest' The man said.

'By the way I'm Jungkook, I was riding my bike and saw you. I would've took you too city if I had a car. But you were unconscious' he said.
'Ok I understand, but I can't feel my legs' you say shivering'.

'We both will freeze if we go out in this heavy snowfall right now' says Jungkook you look outside and the snowfall is damn heavy.

You tell him your name in a shaky voice.
You think you will die from cold.
'I think I will freeze to death' you say in a very sad voice, tears rolling down your eyes.

He starts removing your jacket.
'What are you doing Jungkook' you ask.
'Your jacket is all wet because of snow, It will make you even more cold, how long were you lying there' he asks.

'I don't know,can you sit a little closer. I'm freezing' you say to him.
He wraps his arms around you and make you sit on his lap.

'Just hang in there y/n, I will warm you up' he says.

His voice is so damn attractive, and so is his face. You start thinking this might be your last day. You look towards him. His face is so close to you.
He doesn't know you, but he is still caring about you.

You think maybe you won't be able to see the next morning.
You haven't had your first kiss yet, so you want to do it now. With this incredibly handsome man.

You look towards his face, he looks down on your face and you kiss him.
He kiss you back passionately.
He wraps his arms around your waist while your hands ruffle his hair and your tongues starts playing with each other.

There's a sudden heat in the freezing environment.
'Why did you kissed a stranger, that tasted so good though' he asks when the kiss ends.
'I don't wanna die without my first kiss' you tell him honestly.

'I told you girl, I will keep you warm.I think I've a better way to warm you up' he says while his hand reaches your belly inside your top. His touch feels so good and warm.
You've never felt this before.

He kisses your collarbones , his lips feels so warm on your skin.
'Want me to warm you up' he asks for your permission.

Hungry are we???.

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