chapter 9: he's the same

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You hadnt seen riddle for days, and you were angry at the fact that it bothered you so much. You felt so awkward with yourself, and spent the day wondering why you let a silly boy let you be twisted into giving away your rawest self. The idea made you crazy, and not in the good way.

You didn't even know where to go. You weren't bothered to go to class, and you would usually ditch, but with who. "youre being silly y/n, you can ditch by yourself, hes not an entertainer" you convince yourself. 

You head to the girls bathroom, and check around for nosy eyes, before entering the chamber for a quiet place to sit. You land and make your way to the chamber door, and go inside, but to your slight shock riddle is staring there looking at you. 

"what the fuck were you waiting for me" you yell. "I never gave you permission to use this as your little hang out spot" he told you. "well its funny, because I don't remember giving a shit. I don't even know how to talk to you. But im sure you can fix that with a good old fashion truth serum and some humiliation, god I feel sorry for you" you roar. 

"you knew what you signed up for" he told you. "so did you, you did this, you use people, you feed them lies, you bullshit about a goddamn prophecy, and you suddenly take a tone of surprise...I don't know what you want from me" you say coldy. 

"I don't want anything from you" he says. "why, did I scare you? Were my feelings too much for you? Cant handle to see the mess you created?" you say with your voice getting higher and higher. 

You see him get tense, as if he is feeling so awkward his knuckles go white and he might break in half.

 "don't get all emotional on me" riddle sighed. "im not emotional riddle, its called having an opinion, im not some little bitch girl that goes crying her crocodile tears whenever life gets a little hard and you need to stop thinking of me that way" you say starting to raise your voice in annoyance.

 "oh of course, that's your coverup isn't it, make me think youre this powerful fearless woman, who throws caution to the wind, who has been scarred in the past, leaving her with dark secrets that give her a cool personality" he argues.

 "Youre one to talk tom, that stone cold heart of yours is all part of your image, you think it's a trend, being the badass boy with mystery hidden behind his eyes, every girl desperate for you to like them because no one wants to get on the badside of a psychopath. But honestly its bullshit, youre the one whos emotional, and you bury it all, because if people know you can feel, they will know your weakness."

 As you yelled tom seemed lost for words, as if you just unraveled his whole mind. 

"that's it isn't it, your weakness. If people know you have a weakness, youll lose your followers. Youll lose the worship, you want everyone to fear your name because if they don't then they wont be intimidated by you" you say to him intensly, staring directly into his eyes.

 You stood there with a brave face, but thinking in the back of your mind he was about to rip your heart out and leave you for death. 

He grabs you by the shirt and tosses you to the floor, kicking your side as you try and get up.

 But then he crouches down over you, grabbing you by the neck, almost choking you, before pulling you in tightly as he harshly gives you a poisonous kiss. His lips feel like every mistake you've ever made, in the most estatic way. It consumed you in a way you couldn't describe. He let himself fall to the floor, grinding his hips into you as he massaged your tongue with his. He pulled away to catch his breath, biting your lip as he did so.

 He looked deep into your eyes and whispered, "if you ever speak to be like that again, I will cut your tongue off".

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