Warm Embrace

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'So here is the new chapter, as promised:). Hope you like it:)'~Charlie XXX

I started from the top, right back to the restaurant with Lucy, which seemed like years ago, yet was in fact last autumn. I explained how the waiter 'Elliot' was giving me all the looks the whole night, all the way to the note beside my hospital bed, to my abduction, and then to now. I barely looked at George throughout the whole time I told him, i just stared at my hands whilst I fiddled with my fingers. I could hear George crying, and it tore me up inside. As I finally came to the end of my torture, i found myself crying also.

A pair of soft delicate hands touched mine, and I felt Georges warm embrace. I felt save, for the first time in months, i finally felt safe, cared for, loved. Along came his tears, splashing down onto the sweaty palms of my hands. The hospital room was silent, the only sound was the beeping of my monitor beside my bed.

George stood up and walked round to the other side of the chair, his head in his hands. He wiped them down his cheeks, stretched them over his head and ruffled his curly brown locks. He slammed his arms down on the back of the light blue hospital chair, the legs almost collapsing down to the floor. "Where can I find this prick?" George asked, the anger bubbling up in his voice.

"I-I-I don't know. I barely k-k-know his n-n-name" My voice was shaking, my nerves going wild. If I am pregnant, this is surely not good for the baby. I began crying , I hated crying in front of George, I was meant to be the strong one in this relationship, the one who can have a whole load of shit to deal with, yet still keep a smile on my face. But this act was far from over. I cried more than I've ever cried. I was having my breakdown. Great!

George rushed over to me, sitting down on my bed beside me and holding me in his arms. "Charl, I'm so sorry. I knew there was something was going on, but I just thought you were cheating on me. That's why I was curious as to why you were pregnant. Oh Charl, why didn't you just tell me. We could've gotten through this together. I'm not mad with you, I can never be mad with you. You're my girl." I was now looking at him, his deep brown eyes glaring into the bright blue sea that coloured my eyes. His hand reached my cheek and pulled me into him. He lips pressed against mine. How I missed his gentle, pale pink lips. As he pulled away, he whispered the 3 words I've been dying to hear for weeks, "I love you". And with that, he stood up from my bed and headed to the door. "Coffee?" My head boobed in agreement.

When I was finally released from the hospital, 3 days later, George took me to a posh restaurant, leaving Olivia with Walter, Union J's new body guard. I was confused as to how George had kept his career going with me constantly in hospital. Yet i was still grateful, he provided us with the money, which provided us with the food, which provided the love, of course.

We pulled up to the restaurant, and I froze in shock. I was the same restaurant where i was shot. I could barely breathe once the valet parking man came and opened the door for me. It was Elliot, and he wore the same cheeky grin that haunted my nightmares.

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