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'So this is the one of the last chapters. I promise things are gonna start getting better, but I can't promise that they'll stay good. Thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it. ~Charlie XXX'

Months have passed, and there has not been another word from Elliot, in fact, I've barely seen him around. He'd probably ran off, after finding out he's a father. I felt so guilty towards George, he's always wanted two children, and after the past months, I doubt I'll be able to fulfill his dream. I wanted to make George smile. Its now been 3 months since I told George, and I know he's trying to forget about it, yet it some how creeps back into his mind.

The speakers in the recording studio boomed as Union J began recording their new song 'You Got It All'. I tried to block out the noise and carry on my conversation with Catrina, JJ's girlfriend, yet she was already busy keeping her eyes on Princeton (her son) and Olivia, who were playing together in the corner of the studio. Olivia was now walking, which I missed due to hospital treatment on my pregnancy, and George missed due to his tour.

George walked back into the studio waiting room, heading straight over to me. "So, what do you think?" I smiled at him, my lips dripping the water that was contained in my mouth. "I thought of you whilst singing, you know." I felt my self blushing, making me feel sick again. Me and George were yet to tell JJ, Jaymi and Josh that I was pregnant. I felt bad, they always shared their deepest darkest secrets with each other, and I was now stopping Georges bond with the boys.

As we stepped into Georges fabulous white land rover, George grabbed my arm, his other hand holding Olivia's. "We need to tell them, it's killing me. Also, we'll be going away soon, and I was wondering if you wanted to come. I don't know whether or not you'll still be pregnant, but I'll cancel if you are."

"Don't worry," I began, "Even if I am pregnant, you can still go. I don't mind. I have Lizzy here, I'll be fine."

"Promise?" He asked.


"Listen, I've been thinking about the last time with... you knowed. I realized I wasn't wearing a condom, cause I can't remember putting one on. So, I don't want to demand anything, but would it to be too much to ask you to get a Paternity Test? You don't have to get... 'his' DNA swab thing, just mine." I felt almost relived, that there was a slight chance that I'm carrying George's baby.

A man in a dark suit approached me and George, a hand full of papers sticking out from his pocket. As he grew closer to us, he pulled one of the leaflets out of his pocket and reached it out to us. I grabbed it as he walked past. It was a missing poster. A picture of Elliot was stuck right onto the centre of the page, his name printed on the bottom. A smile stretched along my face. It was over, finally all over.

Just A Kiss: A George Shelley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now