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I looked at my self in the mirror, my blue sundress and my converse, the same outfit that I wore on the day me and George first did 'it'. Another text from Lucy popped up, 'I'm outside!' it read. I started rushing round the hotel room, I hadn't even done my make-up yet. George stopped me from running. "Babe, you look beautiful. Now go!" He said, pressing his lips on mine. I walked out of the hotel room and headed down the stairs. I was so nervous, and didn't know why. I know that something bad was going to happen tonight.

Lucy's car was parked right outside the hotel door. There was another woman sat in the car. "Hey!" I called over.

"Hi, this is Scarlet by the way. She's my cousin." Lucy explained. Scarlet pleasantly smiled at me. "I'm just dropping her off at her boyfriends house and then we'll go for that meal." I nodded and smiled, being as polite as possible to my new found friend. "How's the baby Charl?" Lucy asked.

"She's okay. We've decided on the name Olivia-May." I answered.

"That's a lovely name." Scarlet replied. Her voice sounded quite posh, yet quite low pitched. I nodded and thanked her. The car came to a stop in front of a large house. "Bye!" She said, waving whilst stepping out of Lucy's car. I clambered into the front of the car, trying not to hit my quite large bump.

"Lets go then." I said, pretending to be steering an imaginary wheel. I knew I could act weird in front of Lucy, I knew from the moment I met her that somewhere deep down she was weird too. She revved the engine and sped down the road like a bullet. The wind blowing through our faces in the open-top car. I felt like a movie star, my long, brown hair blowing back in the gale. We parked in front of a small, yet posh restaurant. As we walked in, we were greeted by a waiter, his name tag read 'Elliot'. When we walked in there was something weird about him, something the put me off him. I was scared to even tell him my order when he asked. My voice quivered as I asked for Gammon Steak and Chips. He gave me a look that made chills run up my spine. After he took our orders, we didn't see him for the rest of the night. The food was gorgeous. "We are coming here again!" I kept saying to Lucy. Her replying always with a 'Mmhmm' sound.

My phone started ringing in my pocket, it was George. "One minute, I've just got to take this. I'll be outside if you need me." I told Lucy. The wind was colder than it was when we first came into the restaurant. I went down the ally beside the restaurant and answered the phone. "Hey babe." I said.

"Babe! Is it okay if Josh stays tonight, we're practising for the show on Saturday?" George asked.

"Yeah? Of course, why you ask-" I turned as a loud bang went of behind me. Then I felt a sharp pain in my back. I fell and collapsed to the ground, blood pouring everywhere. A black figure ran past, dropping something on the ground. I looked over to see a name tag. The name tag read 'Elliot'.

Just A Kiss: A George Shelley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now